This is an exploratory research project led by PhiLab in collaboration with GBF resources. The team intends to produce a research paper focused on: (1) a portrait of the Foundation, from its founding to today. The portrait will present both an analytical and descriptive dimension focused on the Foundation’s activities; (2) A case study on one of the Foundation’s projects: Integrated Youth Services initiative in British-Colombia known as the Foundry model. We aim to define the project’s main characteristics: historic elements; description of the model; and the collaborations that took place between different actors within the project, including the province’s public legislator.
Research Papers and literature reviews
Hardan, Tareq. Fondation Graham Boeckh – Phase I : Portrait de la fondations, de sa création à maintenant, 2020, PhiLab : Montréal.
Affiliated Hub(s)
Research Axis
- Axis 3 : Sectoral or regional portraits of philanthropy
Project supervisor
- Lucie Dumais
Team member(s)
- Jean-Marc Fontan
Student researcher(s)
- Tareq Hardan
McGill University
- Fondations Philanthropiques Canada
- Fondation Graham Boeckh
Beginning date
- Janvier 2019
End date /projected end date
- Avril 2019