Jean-Marc Fontan


Co-director of PhiLab, with Peter Elson of Victoria University, from the SSHRC partnership grants obtained for 2013-2017 and 2018-2024. As co-directors, we oversee the implementation and coordination of research and knowledge valuation activities included in the research programs led in partnership with and financially supported by the SSHRC and the project’s partners. I am also director of the Research chair on methodology and epistemology of partnership-based research and a regular member of the Social innovation research center. Finally, I co-direct, with Isabel Heck (Parole d’excluEs) the university incubator eponymous to this organization (IUPE).


PhiLab Blog Posts

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Academic Publications

  • FONTAN, J.M. et M. SOULIÈRE (sous la dir.) (2018), Postures de recherches en Action, Recherches sociographiques, numéro 1-2 du volume LIX.
  • FONTAN, J.M., ELSON, P., S. A. LEFÈVRE, (2017), Les fondations philanthropiques : de nouveaux acteurs politiques ?, Québec, Presses de l’Université du Québec, 320p.
  • FONTAN, J.M. (2016), « Place et rôle des fondations subventionnaires dans l’écosystème philanthropique », dans Institut Mallet, Écosystème philanthropique, perspectives, perceptions et échanges, Québec, Institut Mallet, pp. 113 à 130.
  • LEVESQUE, B., FONTAN, J-M ET J-L KLEIN (sous la direction de) (2014), L’innovation sociale : les marches d’une construction théorique et pratique, Québec, PUQ, 474 p.
  • FONTAN, J.M., HAMEL, P., MORIN, R. (2013), Ville et conflits. Actions collectives, justice sociale et enjeux environnementaux, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 240p.
  • HALL, B., JACKSON, E., TANDON, R., LALL, N, FONTAN, J.M. (ed.) (2013). Knowledge, democracy and action. Community-university research partnerships in global perspectives, Manchester, ManchesterUniversityPress,224p.
  • FONTAN, J.M., (2013), « Social Economy Research Partnerships: The Québec Experience », dans Bouchard, M. (dir.), Quebec Social Economy Experience, Toronto, Toronto University Press, pp. 71-96.
  • KLEIN, J.L., FONTAN, J.M., HARRISSON, D., LEVESQUE, B. (2012), « The Quebec system of social innovation, a focused analysis on the local development field », Finisterra, XVVII, 94, pp. 9-28.

Awards and Distinctions

  • Prix du Bison doré de l’Ordre du Manitoba, 1985
  • SSHRC Partnership Development Grant 2014-2016
  • SSHRC Partnership Grant 2018-2024


  • Literary activities: composition of short stories and short poems (Haiku).
  • Athletic activities: cross-country skiing, tennis and cycling.