Kelly Vodden


Kelly Vodden is Professor (Research) with the Environmental Policy Institute and Associate Vice-President of Research and Graduate Studies at Grenfell Campus. She has been engaged in community and regional development research, policy and practice in Canadian rural communities across the country for more than twenty-five years. She has published and led projects on topics ranging from rural regional governance and development models to climate change adaptation, sustainable rural drinking water systems, and watershed management and has written and presented widely on these topics. She is a researcher for PhiLab’s Atlantic Hub.


Refereed, published books

Vodden, K., D. Douglas, S. Markey, S. Minnes, and B. Reimer (Eds.). 2019. The Theory, Practice, and Potential of Regional Development: The Case of Canada. Routledge. 234 pages.

Vodden, K., G. Baldacchino and R. Gibson (Eds.) 2015. Place Peripheral: The Promise and Challenge of Place-Based Development in Rural and Remote Regions. ISER Publications. 340 pages.


Refereed, published articles

Kipp, A., Cunsolo, A., Vodden, K., King, N., Manners, S., and Harper, S. 2019. Climate Change Impacts on Health and Wellbeing in Rural and Remote Regions Across Canada: A Synthesis of the Literature. Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention in Canada: Special Issue on Climate Change.

Ward, B., Doney, E., K. Vodden & A. Bath. 2018. The Importance of Beliefs in Predicting Support for a South Coast National Marine Conservation Area in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Ocean and Coastal Management. 162(1), 6-12

Butters, L., S. Eledi, O. Okusepi, K. Vodden. 2017. Engaging the Past to Create a New Future: A

comparative study of heritage-driven community development initiatives in the Great Northern Peninsula. Journal of Rural and Community Development. Special issue 12(3) 186-209:

Carter, K. and K. Vodden. 2017. Applicability of Territorial Innovation Models to peripheral regions: Lessons from the Northern Peninsula of Newfoundland. Journal of Rural and Community Development. 12(2): 1-19.

Minnes, S. and K. Vodden. 2017. The Capacity Gap: Understanding Impediments to Sustainable Drinking Water Systems in Rural Newfoundland and Labrador. Canadian Water Resources Journal.

Hall, H., K. Vodden, and R. Greenwood. 2016. From Dysfunctional to Destitute: The Governance of Regional Development in Newfoundland and Labrador. International Planning Studies. Published online April 2016.

Hall, H., J. Walsh, R. Greenwood and K. Vodden. 2016. Advancing Innovation in Newfoundland and Labrador: Insights for Knowledge Mobilization and University-Community Engagement. Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship. 9(1): 21-32.

Vodden, K. and H. Hall. 2016. Long distance commuting in the mining and oil and gas sectors: Implications for rural regions. The Extractive Resources Industry and Society 3(3):577–583.

Markey, S., S. Breen, K. Vodden, J. Daniels. 2015. Evidence of Place: Becoming a Region in Rural Canada. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research. 39(5): 874-891. Published online:

Vodden, K. 2015. The Promise and Challenge of Collaborative Governance on Canada’s Coasts. Canadian Geographer. 59(2): 167-180. Available at: