Shelley T. Price


Shelley T. Price, PhD (Candidate) is an Assistant Professor at St. Francis Xavier University in the Department of Management. Shelley’s passion for education, knowledge acquisition and respect for cultural, traditional and spiritual connection to the land is central in her research. As an Inuk woman from Labrador, she was raised to respect the teachings that her Elders shared with her through stories and through being on the land. Her research focus is in Indigenous storytelling leadership toward sustainable development, community wellbeing and responsible management. Shelley’s work in gender and diversity brings her to focus on Indigenous women who are leading grassroots initiatives by sharing their stories and voices toward respect, resilience and compassion. She believes in incorporating Indigenous knowledges and Indigenous women’s voices into the business process so as to respect an interconnected approach to leading change in economic, social, cultural, environmental and spiritual wellbeings of the local and global community. Shelley is a research member of PhiLab’s Atlantic hub, Western Hub, and Indigenous Research Cluster.

Notre partenaire, The Philanthropist, a fait une entrevue avec Shelley :

Shelley Price : L’histoire du paysage philanthropique – la remémoration collective du don et du partage dans une perspective autochtone


  • Price, S., Hartt, C., Cole, D. & Barnes, A. (2019, in progress). A mighty river and its story-acts: An approach to capture a more holistic grouping of agencies. In Eds. Hartt, C. Connecting Values to Action: Non-corporeal Actants and Choice in Actor Network Theory. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Price, S., Hartt, C, Wall, M., Baker, M. & Williams, T. (2019, in progress). These lips are no longer sealed: The complex social events that have shaped the seal hunt controversy. In Eds. Hartt, C. Connecting Values to Action: Non-corporeal Actants and Choice in Actor Network Theory. Emerald Group Publishing.
  • Price, S., Hartt, C. & Baker, M. (2017). Reassembling the Canadian seal hunt debate using non-corporeal actants to respect the connections between Inuit and the seal. Workplace Review.
  • Driscoll, C., McKee, M. C., & Price, S. T. (2017). The “Learning Service: of Service-Learning: An Exploratory Study in a Business Ethics Course Context. Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, 14(1).
  • Driscoll, C., Price, S., McKee, M., & Nicholls, J. (2017). An assessment of sustainability integration and communication in Canadian MBA programs. Journal of Academic Ethics, 15(2), 93-114.
  • Price, S., Hartt, C. & Yue, A., (2017). We the Inuit: Age and the liquid modern. In eds. Aaltio, I., Mills, A. J., Helms-Mills, J. Aging, organizations and management: Constructive discourses and critical perspectives. Palgrave MacMillan : 19 – 36.
  • Driscoll, C., McKee, M., & Price, S. (2014). Community-based service learning: Serving student and community engagement. Workplace Review, 34-44.

Prix et distinctions

  • Price, S., Morris, N., Bettin, C., Kelloway, K., & McKee, M., (2015). Exploring the linkage between enhanced oral communication skills and outcomes related to student success. ASAC Conference. Halifax, NS: June 2015 – Best Paper Award in Management Education Division.
  • Price, S. (2016-2017) SSHRC-CRSH Doctoral Award Recipient declined to accept full-time employment at StFX University.


When I am not working, I love spending time with my family, music, the wind and the rain.