Exploring the Philanthropic Ecosystem in Northern Communities


Research Questions:

  • What is the philanthropic ecosystem(s) in Northern communities?
  • Is there a representation of different types of philanthropic ecosystems and sub-systems in Northern communities?
  • What structural barriers exist (if any) that affects the way philanthropy is conducted?
  • What is the significance of the role played by community foundations and Indigenous-focused philanthropy?

The pertinence of such project is twofold:

  • Correcting an apparent absence of research on philanthropy in Northern communities in Canada;
  • Mapping the philanthropic ecosystem in Northern Canada, which is in-line with the renewed commitment to the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) made by the Canadian government and the nonprofit sector.

The first phase can be completed provided we are given $5,000 allocated to identifying and exploring the literature as well as future collaborators. In terms of feasibility, the first phase of the research is to hire research assistants to conduct extensive literature review on philanthropic models in Northern communities in Canada, and in Northern remote communities. A second objective for the first phase of this project is to establish and sustain a potential partner(s) interested in collaborating on such endeavour.

Research Papers and literature reviews

Definitions of Northern / Rural / Remote / Peripheric Communities in a Philanthropic Context.


Litalien, Manuel, Natalya Brown, François Brouard, “Exploring the Philanthropic Ecosystem in Northern Communities”, PhiLab Ontario – Provincial Conference: The Role of Grantmaking Foundations in Restructuring Ontario’s Philanthropic Action Throughout and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis, UQAM, Nipissing University, Carleton University, 12-14 May 2021 (online).
Litalien, Manuel and François Brouard. Roundtable, “PhiLab Ontario: Activities and Projects”, Association for Non-Profit and Social Economy Research (ANSER-ARES), 27-29 May 2021 (online).


Ontario Hub Report, September 2023

Affiliated Hub(s)

Research Axis

  • Axis 3 : Sectoral or regional portraits of philanthropy

Project supervisor

Student researcher(s)

  • Grace Adams
    Carleton University
  • Alana Javainen
    Nipissing University
  • Mohammed Aldawsari
    Carleton University

Beginning date

  • January 2021

End date /projected end date

  • April 2023