Rachel Cardon Kronick


I am a clinician-scientist (FRSQ Chercheur-boursier clinicien, Junior 1) based at Lady Davis Research Institute and an assistant professor with the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry at McGill University. My clinical work as Director of child psychiatry outpatient services is based at the Centre for Child Development and Mental Health of the Jewish General Hospital. I currently hold two Tri-Agency grants as Principal Investigator. The first, is a three-year SSHRC Insight Grant examining the implementation of a complex community-based psychosocial intervention for refugee claimant families to mitigate the stressors associated with migration and resettlement and support recovery from trauma. This work is affirming the importance of upstream interventions to prevent mental health problems in vulnerablized refugees. My CIHR-funded project, Reconnect, brings arts-based prevention programs to newcomer youth in Welcome Classes in Montreal to address mental health and educational equity gaps. My research program aims to generate evidence for social and health policy to prevent the burden of depression, and stress-related disorders on refugee parents and children.


Ramburn, T., Wu, Y. & Kronick, R. (2022) Community Gardening as a Psychosocial Intervention for Refugees and Migrants: A Narrative Review. Role: senior author, PI. Submitted to international Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care.

Jarvis, G E; Cénat, J; Gómez-Carrillo, A; Andermann, L; Ayonrinde, O; Beder, M; Cheikh, I B; Fung, K;
Gajaria, A; Guzder, J; Hanafi, S; Kronick, R; et al. (2022). Taking action on racism and structural violence in psychiatric training and practice. Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. Vol: 0. Accepted, in press. Refereed: Yes. Role: Contributing author

Kronick, R., Cleveland J., Rousseau, C. 2018 ‘“Do you want to help or go to war?”: Ethical challenges of critical research in immigration detention in Canada’. Journal of Social and Political Psychology 6(2): 644-660. Role: PI and first author. https://doi.org/10.5964/jspp.v6i2.926

Cleveland, J., Kronick, R., Rousseau, C. 2018. “Symbolic Violence and disempowerment as factors in the adverse impact of immigration detention on adult asylum seekers’ mental health.” International Journal of Public Health. 63(8): 1001-1008. Impact Factor: 2.62. Role: second author. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00038-018-1121-7

Kronick, R. 2017. “Mental health of refugees and asylum seekers: assessment and intervention.” Canadian Journal of Psychiatry. 63(5):290-296. Impact factor: 2.95. Role: sole author and PI. https://doi.org/10.1177/0706743717746665

Kirmayer, L., Kronick, R., Rousseau, C. 2017. “Advocacy as key to structural competence in psychiatry.” JAMA Psychiatry. 75(2):119-120. Impact factor: 15.3. Role: second author

Kronick, R., Rousseau, C., Cleveland, J. 2017. “Refugee children’s sandplay narratives in immigration detention in Canada.” European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Published online June 22, 2017. Impact factor: 3.3. Role: first author and PI. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00787-017-1012-0

Kronick, R., Rousseau, C., Beder, M., Goel, R. 2017 “International solidarity to end immigration detention.” The Lancet. Vol: 389 p. 501. Impact Factor: 45.2 Role: first author. https://doi.org/10.1016/S0140-6736(17)30231-3

Kronick, R., Rousseau, C., Cleveland, J. 2015 “Asylum seeking children’s experiences of detention in Canada: a qualitative study” American Journal of Orthopsychiatry. 85 (3), 287-294. Impact Factor: 1.504 Role: first author and PI. https://doi.org/10.1037/ort0000061

Kronick, R & Rousseau, C. 2015 “Rights, compassion, and invisible children: A critical discourse analysis of the parliamentary debates on the mandatory detention of migrant children in Canada” Journal of Refugee Studies. 28 (4), 544-569. Impact Factor: 1.14 Role: first author and PI.

Prix et distinctions

Teaching Awards

2012: Most Promising Teacher Prize, Postgraduate Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description: Annual teaching prize given to one resident in McGill Department of Psychiatry Total Amount: $200.00 CAD.

Student/Trainee Awards


2009: The Ann Thompson Award for best Resident Presentation, Co-presenter with Andrew Howlett and Priya Raju, Ontario Psychiatric Association Conference, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Description: Award for best poster presentation (Dispatches Across the Mirror:  Dialogue between Residents and Consumer/Survivors).


2012: Award for Excellence, MSc candidate, Graduate Psychiatry Department, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description:  “Award of excellence” based on “recent accomplishments and Progress Report.” Total Amount: $3400.00 CAD

2011: Provost Entry Award, MSc candidate, Graduate Psychiatry Department, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description: Awarded to recruit high-calibre students entering the MSc Psychiatry Program. Total Amount: $1500.00 CAD.

2011: Principal’s Graduate Fellowship, MSc candidate, Graduate Psychiatry Department, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description: Awarded to recruit high-calibre students entering the MSc Psychiatry Program. Total Amount: $2500.00 CAD.

2009: Best Junior Resident Grand Rounds Award, Mount Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Description: Awarded for caliber of presentation (‘Forsake me not to leave you’: The Story of Ruth, her refugee claim and the psychiatric hospital). Total Amount: $100.00.

2001: Shakespeare Scholarship, Department of English Literature, Faculty of Arts, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description: Awarded to year 2 Honours student in English Literature for outstanding achievement. Total Amount: $1000.00.

1998 – 2001: J.W. McConnell Scholarship, Faculty of Arts and Science, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description: renewable entrance scholarship awarded based on “academic standing” and “qualities of leadership in community and school activities.” Total Amount: $6000.00.

1998 – 2002: Dean’s Honour List, McGill University, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Description: “Distinction conferred upon the top 10% of students in each faculty”.
