David Peacock


David Peacock is the Director of Community Service-Learning in the Faculty of Arts at the University of Alberta.  His research encompasses community-university engagement policy and practice, global service-learning, curriculum theory, and ‘first generation’ university student participation in experiential learning.


Peacock, D. Goemans, M., Andree, P., Levkoe, C., Changfoot, N., Kim, I. (Accepted). Accounting for community impact: Thinking across the spaces and times of a seven-year pan-Canadian community-based research project. Michigan Journal of Community Service-Learning. Fall, 2019.

Peacock, D. (2018). Funding social innovation in Canada: A conversation with Stephen Huddart and ChadLubelsky of the McConnell Foundation. Engaged Scholar Journal. 4(2): 117-106.

Peacock, D., Lingard, R. & Sellar, S. (2015). Texturing space-times in the Australian curriculum: CrossCurriculum priorities. Curriculum Inquiry. 45(3): 367-388.

Peacock.D. (2015). Widening participation as behaviour management: An ethnography of student equity outreach in one Australian low SES school. International Studies in Widening Participation. 2(2): 20-28.

David Peacock, Sam Sellar, Bob Lingard. (2014). The activation, appropriation and practices of student equity policy in Australian higher education. Journal of Education Policy.

Peacock, D. (2017). Institutional ethnography and the uses of critical discourse analyses. James Reid and Lisa Russell (Eds).. Perspectives on and from Institutional Ethnography : 91-106. Emerald Bookss

Victoria Calvert, David Peacock, Margot Underwood, Judy Gleeson, Andrea Kennedy, and Scharie Tavcer. (2017). Global Service Learning: Enhancing Humility. Cynthia J. Gallop and Victoria Calvert. Community Service Learning and Community Engagement: A Canadian Viewpoint. : 353-374. Published, Mt Royal University

Community Reports

EMCN, Peacock, D., Moran, K. (2018). What works well in school-based homework clubs for newcomers? A good practices guide.17. Edmonton Mennonite Centre for Newcomers. Contribution Percentage: 71-80 2.

Dambai, R., Peacock, D., Weinlick, B., Kelly, E., Dombavri, A. (2017). Knowledge generation and exchange project: Community research session 1& 2.38.

Prix et distinctions

2013/7 – 2014/8 2013 – Carolyn D Baker Scholar – $2,500 University of Queensland Prize / Award 2012/12 – 2013/7 – Graduate Student International Travel Award – $4,000 University of Queensland Prize / Award

2011/2 – 2014/2 – Australian Postgraduate Award – $70,000 University of Queensland Prize / Award 2010/6 University of Saskatchewan – Graduate Thesis Award in Social Sciences B – $500 University of Saskatchewan Prize

1998/10 Archbishop Joseph N. MacNeil Outstanding Student Award Newman Theological College Prize / Award


I am currently research community-university engagement practices, and have a passion for student equity, cricket and guitar!