The Effects of Operational, Long Term Funding on Charities 


This proposal is a collaboration of the United Way of Greater Toronto, PhiLab and the research team of the SSHRC Insight Grant on Financing Charities (Susan Phillips, PI) with the aim of studying the effects of sustained operational funding on human service charities over a fifteen-year period.

This project examines the effects of sustained operational funding on human service nonprofits over a fifteen-year period relative to comparable organizations that lacked such support as a component of their grants.


Susan D. Phillips, Nathan Grasse, Julia Carboni, Iryna Khovrenkov, Jesse Lecy and Christopher Dougherty. 2021. Sustainability at its Core? The Effects of Long Term Operational Funding on Canadian Charities. Paper presented at the biennial conference of the International Society for Third Sector Research (virtual), July.
Susan D. Phillips, Nathan Grasse, Julia Carboni, Iryna Khovrenkov, Jesse Lecy and Christopher Dougherty. 2019. The Hard Core: Testing the Effects of long term operational funding on nonprofits. paper presented at the annual Conference of the Association for Research on Nonprofit Organizations and Voluntary Action (ARNOVA), San Diego, November.

Affiliated Hub(s)

Research Axis

  • Axis 1: Reflections on Philanthropic Theory

Project supervisor

Team member(s)

  • Susan Phillips
    Carleton University
  • Nathan Grasse
    Carleton University
  • Jesse Lecy
    Arizona State University
  • Julia Carboni
    Syracuse University
  • Iryna Khovrenkov
    University of Regina

Student researcher(s)

  • Christopher Dougherty
    Carleton University


  • United Way of Greater Toronto (UWGT)

Beginning date

  • Summer 2019

End date /projected end date

  • Spring 2023