Peer-reviewed journal articles
- Hanley, J., Ives, N., Lenet, J., Walsh, C. A., Hordyk, S.-R., Ben Soltane, S., & Este, D. (2019). Migrant women’s health and housing insecurity: an intersectional analysis. International Journal of Migration, Health & Social Care: 15(1): 90-106.
- Tungohan, E., Hanley, J. (2019). Introduction to the themed section: a question of caring‐ethical and policy dilemmas arising from care migration. International Journal of Care and Caring. 3(2): 225-227.
- Hanley, J., Al Mhamied, A., Cleveland, J., Hajjar, O., Hassan, G., Ives, N., Khyar, R., Hynie, M. (2018). The Social Networks, Social Support and Social Capital of Syrian Refugees Sponsored to Settle in Montreal: Indications from their early experiences of integration. Canadian Ethnic Studies 50(2): 123-149.
- Hanley, J., Larios, L., Salamanca Cardona, M., Henaway, M., Dwaikat Shaer, N., Ben Soltane, S., Eid, P. (2018). Gender dynamics of temporary placement agency work: (Im)migrants, know your place! Canadian Diversity
- Malhaire L., L. Castracani et J. Hanley (2018) « La défense des droits des travailleuses et travailleurs immigrants. Enjeux et défis d’une mobilisation collective à Montréal », Revue multidisciplinaire sur l’emploi, le syndicalisme et le travail. 11(1) : 32-59.
- Beatson, J., Hanley, J., and Ricard-Guay, A. (2017). The Intersection of Exploitation and Coercion in Cases of Canadian Labour Trafficking. Journal of Law and Social Policy 26. (1): 137-158.
- Gravel, S., Bernstein, S., Villanueva, F., Hanley, J., Crespo, D. (2017). Gestion de la diversité dans les entreprises saisonnières qui embauchent des travailleurs étrangers temporaires. Canadian Ethnic Studies 49(2)
- Hanley, J., Larios, L and J-H Koo. (2017). Does Canada “Care” about Migrant Caregivers?: Implications under the Reformed Caregiver Program. Canadian Ethnic Studies 49(2):121-139.
- Villanueva F, Gravel S, Bernstein S, Crespo D, Hanley, J. (2017). Precariedad y flexibilidad laboral en el sector agrícola: la situación de los trabajadores migrantes temporales en Quebec. Revista Analisis de la Realidad Nacional. 6(128): 66-85.
- Hanley, J., & Wen, Y.. (2016). Social policy frameworks of exclusion: the challenge of protecting the social rights of ‘undocumented migrants’ in Quebec and Shanghai. Journal of Asian Public Policy, 1-19.
- Meloni, F, Rousseau, C, Ricard-Guay, A, & Hanley, J. (2016). Invisible students: institutional invisibility and access to education for undocumented children. International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care.
- Walsh, C. A., Hanley, J., Ives, N., & Hordyk, S. R. (2016). Exploring the experiences of newcomer women with insecure housing in Montréal Canada. Journal of International Migration and Integration, 17(3), 887-904.
- Wen, Y., & Hanley, J. (2016). Enhancing Social Support for Migrant Families: A Case Study of Community Services in a Shanghai Urban Village and Implications for Intervention. Asian Social Work and Policy Review, 10(1), 76-89.
- Hanley, J., Gravel S, Bernstein S. Villanueva F, Crespo Villareal D. (2015). Central American temporary foreign workers in Québec small towns: A portrait of community response. Journal of Rural and Community Development 10(3): 23-50.
- Hordyk, Shawn Renee, Hanley, Jill, & Richard, Éric. (2015). « Nature is there; its free »: Urban greenspace and the social determinants of health of immigrant families. Health & Place, 34, 74-82.
- Villanueva, F, Crespo, D, Gravel, S, Bernstein, S, Hanley, J. (2015). Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires au Québec : le paradis un peu plus loin. Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale. 1: 58-69.
- Wen, Y, and Hanley, J. (2015). Rural-to-urban migration, family resilience, and policy framework for social support in China. Asian Social Work and Policy Review 9(1):18-28.
- Gravel, S., Bernstein, S., Hanley, J., Villanueva, F., & Crespo-Villareal, D. (2014). Impact de l’embauche des travailleurs étrangers temporaires sur la cohabitation de résidence et des métiers dans les communautés rurales du Québec: le point de vue des employeurs. Diversité urbaine, 14(2), 97-122.
- Gravel, S., Villanueva, F., Hanley, J., Bernstein, S., Crespo, D., Ostiguy, E. (2014). Les mesures de santé et sécurité au travail auprès des travailleurs étrangers temporaires : le cas du secteur agro-alimentaire. PISTES, 16(2)
- Hanley, J., Gravel, S., Lippel, K., Koo, J-H., (2014). Pathways to Healthcare for Migrant Workers: How can health entitlement influence occupational health trajectories? PISTES, 16(2)
- Ives, N., Hanley, J., Walsh, C., Este, D. (2014). Transnational elements of newcomer women’s housing insecurity: remittances and social networks. Transnational Social Review 4(2-3):152-167. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=168449&silo_library=GEN01
- Raymond, É., Greneir, A., and Hanley, J. (2014). The community participation of seniors with disabilities: A matter of self-determination, inclusive environments and identity integration. Journal of Applied and Community Psychology, 24(1): 50-62. http://digitool.Library.McGill.CA:80/R/-?func=dbin-jump-full&object_id=168443&silo_library=GEN01
- SJOLLEMA, S, HORDYK, S-R, WALSH, C, HANLEY, J, IVES, N. (accepted). Found Poetry, Finding Home. Journal of Poetry Therapy.
- HANLEY, J, BEN SOLTANE, S and KOO, J-H. (forthcoming Spring 2013). Travailleurs migrants professionnels/Statut “peu qualifié”: évolution de la non-reconnaissance des qualifications étrangères. Revue québécoise de droit international.
- BEN SOLTANE, S, HANLEY, J and HORDYK, S-R. (Fall 2012). Révéler l’itinérance des femmes immigrantes à Montréal : documenter l’itinéra
- nce différemment. Revue FéminÉtudes.
- SIKKA, A, LIPPEL, K. and HANLEY, J. (Winter 2012). Access to Health Care and Workers’ Compensation for Precarious Migrants in Québec. Ontario and New Brunswick: McGill Journal of Law and Health Vol 4(3).
- HANLEY, J. and VADDAPALLI, N. (2011). Les travailleuses domestiques: Proletariat à domicile. Nouveaux cahiers du socialisme, No. 5.
- HANLEY, J., PREMJI, S., LIPPEL, K., and MESSING, K. (2010). Action Research for the Health and Safety of Domestic Workers in Montreal: Using Numbers to Tell Stories and Effect Change. New Solutions 20(4):421-39.
Choudry, A, Hanley, J, Shragge, E. (2012). Organize!: Building from the Local for Global Justice. Oakland, CA: PM Press.
Choudry, A., Hanley, J., Jordan, S., Shragge, E., and Stiegman, M. (2009). Fight Back: Workplace Justice for Immigrants. Blackpoint, NS: Fernwood Press.
Book chapters
- Mbakogu, I. & Hanley, J. (2019). The Quest for Education as a Factor of Vulnerability to Child Trafficking: Reflections on “child rescue” from the perspective of West African children. In Palgrave International Handbook on Human Trafficking, J. Winterdyk & J. Jones, eds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Ricard-Guay, A. & Hanley, J. (2019). Challenges of addressing both forced labour and sexual exploitation. In Palgrave International Handbook on Human Trafficking, J. Winterdyk & J. Jones, eds. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Hanley, J., Stiegman, M., Speirs, K and Lavigne, V. (2018). “Foreigners” on the family farm: An employment relationship with family on both sides. In S. Gervais, M.A. Poutanen, R. Iacovici (eds.), [Field] Brussels: Peter Lang Press, pp. 277-297.
- Hanley, J. (2016). The “Regionalization” of Immigration in Quebec: How has government policy shaped the social, employment and education experiences of newcomers to small cities and towns? In G. Tibe Bonifacio & J. Drolet (eds), Immigration and the Small City: Canadian Experiences and Perspectives. New York: Springer.
- Koo, J-H., and Hanley, J. (2016). Migrant Live-In Caregivers: Control, Consensus and Resistance in the Workplace and the Community. In Unfree Labour? Struggles of Migrant and Immigrant Workers in Canada, eds. Aziz Choudry and Adrien Smith. Oakland: PM Press, 37-54.
- Ricard-Guay, A. Hanley, J., Montgomery, Meloni, Rousseau. (2014). Être sans papier et devenir mère au Québec : comment accéder aux soins de santé nécessaires. In L’intégration des familles d’origines immigrantes, Faisal Kanouté et Gina Lafortune, eds. Montréal: PUM.
- HANLEY, J., STEIGMAN, M., and SPEIRS, K. (forthcoming 2013). “Foreigners” on the Quebec farm: An employment relationship with family on both sides. In S. Gervais, M.A. Poutanen, R. Iacovici (eds.), Being Quebecois: Ethnicity and Race in 19th to 21st Century Quebec. Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press.
- GAL, S. and J. HANLEY. (forthcoming). Elder Abuse: Is Precarious Immigration Status a Factor? In M. Baffoe (ed.), Strangers in a New Homeland, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
- HANLEY, J., SHRAGGE, E., RIVARD, A., and KOO, J. (2012). “Good enough to work? Good enough to stay!” Organizing Temporary Foreign Workers. In C. Straehle and P. Lenard (eds.), Canada’s Guestworker Programs, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- TORRES, S., SPITZER, D., HUGHES, K., and HANLEY, J. (2012). From Temporary Worker to Resident: The LCP and its Impact Through an Intersectional Lens. In C. Straehle and P. Lenard (eds.), Canada’s Guestworker Programs, Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
- OXMAN-MARTINEZ, J. and HANLEY, J. (2011). An Intersectional Lens on Various Facets of Violence: Access to Health and Social Services for Women with Precarious Immigration Status. In Olena Hankivsky et al (eds.), Health Inequities in Canada: Intersectional Frameworks and Practices. Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press.
Popular and Professional Journals
- Hanley, J., Hachey, A., and Tétrault, A. (2017). Le droit international à l’éducation: un droit brimé pour les enfants sans statut au Québec. Éducation Canada 57(3).
- Hanley, J., and Berry Mendez, M. (Winter 2015). Travailleurs étrangers temporaires: toujours plus précaire. À Babords 58.
- Hanley, J., Beeman, Hannan, McKale, Sjollema. (Fall 2014). Youth at risk and the Writers in the Community Program: An exploratory evaluation. In the Know 4(1):6-8.
- Ricard-Guay, A. Hanley, J., Dionne. (March 2014). Les personnes victimes de la traite au Québec : agissons ensemble pour assurer leur protection et répondre à leurs besoins. Agir de concert pour le mieux-être des victimes. Montréal : CAVAC, p.7.
- HANLEY, J. and SHRAGGE, E. (2010). Organizing Temporary Foreign Workers: Rights and Resistance as Canada shifts towards the use of Guestworkers. Social Policy, Fall 2010, Vol. 40(3), p6.
- CHOUDRY, A., HANLEY, J., Jordan, S., Shragge, E., & Stiegman, M. (2009). Respect et résistance, Revue du CREMIS Vol. 2(4).