Marta Rey-Garcia


Professeur agrégée en Marketing Area, Economic Analysis & Business Management Department, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of A Coruña (UDC), Espagne. Elle enseigne à temps plein à l’UDC depuis 2009, au programmes de management à la Maîtrise et au Baccalauréat (Bacc en Affaires). Depuis 2011, elle est la directrice du Inditex Chair of Social Responsibility at the University of A Coruña et de son Postgraduate Course on Social Responsibility and Innovation. Since 2015, elle est la directrice académique du Global Civil Society Seminar organizé par Rafael del Pino Foundation en collaboration avec le Harvard Kennedy School. Sa recherche porte sur la gouvernance et la gestion de la société civile et des organismes à but non lucratif, la philanthropie, la responsabilité social d’entreprise, l’innovation sociale et le marketing à but non lucratif. Elle est l’auteure de plus de 50 publications sur ces sujets, la majorité dans des revues internationaux à comité de lecture. Elle a participé à plusieurs projets de recherches national et financé par l’UE sur ces enjeux (en tant que chercheure principale pour quelque uns): Social Innovation and Civic Engagement (ITSSOIN), European Commission, 7th Framework Programme (2014-2017); European Foundations for Research and Innovation (EUFORI), European Commission, 7th Framework Programme (2012-2014); Instituto de Análisis Estratégico de Fundaciones (INAEF), Asociación Española de Fundaciones (2009-2011). Avant de devenir membre du UDC, elle avait des postes de gestion dans le secteur caritatif. À partir de 1996, elle a travaillé pour la Fondation Pedro Barrie de la Maza, en tant que directrice executive jusqu’à décembre 2008. Elle a une expérience accrue en consultation pour le secteur des organismes à but non lucratif et les fondations.


Rey-Garcia, M., Layton M. D., & Martin-Cavanna, J. (2020): “Corporate Foundations in Latin America”. In Von Schnurbein, G., Roza, L., & Meijs, L. (eds.): Research Handbook on Corporate Foundations. Springer, pp. 167-190.

Rey-Garcia, M. (2019). Why foundations flourish: a comparative policy framework to understand policy support for foundations across countries. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice.

Rey-García, M., Calvo, N. and Mato-Santiso, V. (2019) « Collective social enterprises for social innovation: Understanding the potential and limitations of cross-sector partnerships in the field of work integration », Management Decision, 57(6), pp. 1415-1440.

Rey-Garcia, M. (2018). Rey-Garcia, M. (2018). Foundations in Spain: An International Comparison of a Dynamic Nonprofit Subsector. American Behavioral Scientist, 62(13), pp. 1869-1888.

Rey-Garcia, M., Sanzo-Pérez, M.J and Alvarez-González (2018). To found or to fund? Comparing the performance of corporate and non-corporate foundations, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(3), pp. 514-536.

SANZO PÉREZ, M.J., REY GARCÍA, M., & ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, L.I  (2017). The impact of professionalization and partnerships on nonprofit productivity, The Service Industries Journal, 37(11-12), pp. 783-799.

REY GARCÍA, Marta, LIKET, Kellie C., ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, L.I., & MAAS, Karen (2017). Back to Basics. Revisiting the relevance of beneficiaries for evaluation and accountability in nonprofits. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 27(4), pp. 493-511.

SANZO PÉREZ, M.J., REY GARCÍA, M., & ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, L.I  (2017). The Drivers of Voluntary Transparency in Nonprofits: Professionalization and Partnerships with Firms as Determinants. Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations.28(4), 1595-1621.

REY GARCÍA, M., & MATO SANTISO, V. (2017). Business-Led Social Innovation in the Work Integration Field: The Role of Large Firms and Corporate Foundations. Business and Management Research. 6(1), 1-12.

REY-GARCIA, Marta; ALVAREZ-GONZALEZ, Luis Ignacio & VALLS-RIERA, Ricard (2013). “The evolution of national fundraising campaigns in Spain: nonprofit organizations between the State and emerging civil society”, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, Symposium on National Campaigns. Vol. 42, Issue 2, April 2013, pp. 300-321.

REY GARCÍA, Marta Y PUIG RAPOSO, Nuria (2013): “Globalization and the Organisation of Family Philanthropy: a case of isomorphism?”, Business History, Special Issue on Long-term Perspectives on Family Business, 55, 2, February 2013, pp. 1019-1046.

REY GARCÍA, Marta; MARTÍN CAVANNA, Javier; y ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, Luis Ignacio (2012):“Assessing and Advancing Foundation Transparency: corporate foundations as a case study”. The Foundation Review. 4:3. Pp. 77-89.

REY GARCÌA, Marta y ÁLVAREZ GONZÁLEZ, Luis Ignacio (2011): “Foundations and social economy: conceptual approaches and socio-economic relevance”, CIRIEC-España, Revista de Economía Pública, Social y Cooperativa, nº 73, Special Issue, pp. 61-80

Prix et distinctions

2015 Italian Research in Philanthropy Awards (IRPAs) for the research paper entitled « Professionalization and partnerships with businesses as drivers of foundation performance »

2014 Best Paper Award of the Fourth Conference of the International Network of Business & Management Journals (INBAM) for the research paper entitled “Social innovation and the professionalization of nonprofit organizations”