Jack Quarter


Jack Quarter était professeur au OISE, Université de Toronto, et était le co-directeur du Centre de Recherche Sociale. Il était le président de l’Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER). Il était le co-directeur du Hub de l’Ontario du PhiLab.


Livres: Sept dernières années

  • (2018). J. Quarter, Laurie Mook and Ann Armstrong. Understanding the Social Economy: A Canadian Perspective. 2ndedition. University of Toronto Press.
  • (2015). J. Quarter, S. Ryan & A. Chan (eds.). Social Purpose Enterprises: Case Studies for Social Change. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • (2015). L. Mook, J. Whitman, J. Quarter, & A. Armstrong. Understanding the social economy of the United States. Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • (2015). Mook, L., Ryan, S., Maiorano, J., Armstrong, A., & Quarter, J. (Eds.) (2015). Measuring Social Value in Social Enterprises: Six Case Studies. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 26(2)
  • (2012). L. Mook, J. Quarter & S. Ryan (Eds). Businesses with a difference: Balancing the economic and social. (University of Toronto Press).
  • (2010). L. Mook, J. Quarter, and S. Ryan (Eds). Researching the social economy. (University of Toronto Press).

Chapitres de livres: Sept dernières années

  • Quarter, Jack & Laurie Mook (2018, in press). The social economy in international comparison. In Bruce Seaman & Dennis Young (Eds.), Handbook of Research on nonprofit Economics and Management: The State of Research, Second Edition. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
  • (2016).Vieta, M., Quarter, J., Spear, R.,&Moskovskaya,A.Worker co-operatives: Differing manifestations and challenges. In D. H.Smith, R. A.Stebbins, and C. Rochester (eds.)The Palgrave Handbook of Volunteering, Civic Participation, and Nonprofit Associations(pp. 36-53).London: Palgrave.
  • (2015). Quarter, J., Ryan, S., & Chan, A. Social Purpose Enterprises: A Conceptual Framework. J. Quarter, S. Ryan & A. Chan (eds.). Social Purpose Enterprises: Case Studies for Social Change (pp. 1-16). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • (2015). Quarter, J., Ryan, S., & Chan, A. Social Purpose Enterprises: A Modified Social Welfare Framework. In J. Quarter, S. Ryan & A. Chan (eds.). Social Purpose Enterprises: Case Studies for Social Change (pp. 214-222). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • (2015). Chan, A., Hoogendam, R., Frampton, P., Holeton, A., Pohl Weary, E., Ryan, S., & Quarter, J. Wellbeing of childcare workers at the Learning Enrichment Foundation, a Toronto community economic development organization. In J. Quarter, S. Ryan & A. Chan (eds.). Social Purpose Enterprises: Case Studies for Social Change (pp. 115-133). Toronto: University of Toronto Press.
  • (2012). J. Quarter, L. Mook, & J. Hann. Non-financial Co-operatives in Canada: 1955 to 2005. In L. Mook, J. Quarter, and S. Ryan (Eds). Businesses with a Difference: Balancing the Social and Economic (pp. 64-97). (University of Toronto Press).
  • (2012). Mook, L., Quarter, J., & Ryan, S. Introduction: Businesses with a Difference. In L. Mook, J. Quarter, and S. Ryan (Eds). Businesses with a Difference: Balancing the Social and Economic (pp. 1-26). (University of Toronto Press).
  • (2012). J. Hann, L. Mook, J. Quarter, & U. Sengupta. Community University Research: The Southern Ontario Social Economy Research Alliance. In Peter Hall & Ian MacPherson (Eds.), Community-University Research Partnerships: Reflections on the Canadian Social Economy experience (pp. 99-116). Victoria: University of Victoria).
  • (2010). With Laurie Mook and Sherida Ryan. What’s in a name. In L. Mook, J. Quarter, and S. Ryan (Eds),Researching the social economy (pp. 3-24). University of Toronto Press. (co-author)
  • (2010). With Laurie Mook and Sherida Ryan. Conclusion. In L. Mook, J. Quarter, and S. Ryan (Eds),Researching the social economy. (pp. 330-335). University of Toronto Press. (co-author)

Articles de journaux à arbitrage: Sept dernières années

  • Chan, A., Ryan, S., & Quarter, J. (2017). Supported social enterprise: A modified social welfare organization.Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 46(2), 261-279.
  • Maiorano, J., Mook, L., & Quarter, J. (2016). Is there a credit union difference: Comparing credit union and bank branch locations. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 7(2), 40-56.
  • Mook, L., Ryan, S., Maiorano, J., Armstrong, A. & Quarter, J. (2015). TurningSocialReturn on Investment (SROI) on ItsHead:TheStakeholderImpactStatement. Nonprofit Management & Leadership, 26(2), 229-245.
  • Mook, L., Mairorano, J., & Quarter, J. (2015). Market niche or market accommodation? A case of U.S. credit unions. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 44(4), 814-831.
  • Chum, Antony, Sara Carpenter, Eddie Farrell, Laurie Mook, Femida Handy, Daniel Schugurensky & Jack Quarter (2015). A multilevel study of contextual determinants for volunteering to improve employability—the role of area-level material insecurity. The Canadian Geographer 59(3), 354-368.
  • Mook, L., Farrell, E., Chum, A., Handy, F., Schugurensky, D., & Quarter, J. (2014). Individual and organizational factors in the interchangeability of paid staff and volunteers: Perspectives of volunteers. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 5(2), 65-85.
  • Chum, A., Mook, L., Handy, F., Schugurensky, D., & Quarter, J. (2013). Degree and direction of paid employee/volunteer interchange in nonprofit organizations. Nonprofit Management and Leadership, 23(4), 409-426.
  • Mook, L., Chan, A., & Quarter, J. (2012). Self-Help and the social economy: A synthesis. International Journal of Self-Help & Self-Care, 6(2) 129-149.
  • Mook, L., Hann, J., & Quarter, J. (2012). Understanding the rural tilt among financial co-operatives in Canada. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 3(1), 42-58.
  • Quarter, J., & Mook, L. (2010). An interactive view of the social economy. Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 1(1), 8-23.

Prix et distinctions

  • 2017    Finalist, SSHRC Impact Award, Partnership, 2017
  • 2015    Distinguished Service Award, Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research
  • 2009    Outstanding Achievement Award, Ontario Co-operative Association
  • 2007    Nominated by the President of the University of Toronto as University of Toronto’s representative for the annual Trudeau Foundation competition (2007).
  • 2007    Canadian Foundation for Innovation Leaders Award
  • 2006    CASC/ACÉC Merit Award. For Exemplary Contributions to Co-operative Studies. Presented at the CASC/ACÉC Annual Meeting and Conference, Toronto, May 2006 (Learned Societies, York University)
  • 2004    Book, What Counts(with Laurie Mook and Betty Jane Richmond) nominated (independently) for 2004 Terry McAdam Book Award on nonprofit management.
  • 2003    Book, What Counts (with Laurie Mook and Betty Jane Richmond) is runner-up for the 2003 Independent Sector best publication award in nonprofit research.
  • 2003    Book, Building a community controlled economy short listed for Harold Innis Award
  • 2002    Merit award from the Canadian Worker Co-operative Federation
  • 1997    Book Building a community controlled economy nominated for an SSHRC award
  • 1986    Co-operative College of Canada, Special Achievement Award


  • Co-fondateur et président de l’Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research (ANSER), 2008 to 2014; président antérieur 2015
  • Co-fondateur et co-directeur du Social Economy Centre, 2006; séries de conférenciers et ateliers mensuels et certificat
  • Co-fondateur du Centre for Learning, Social Economy & Work (CLSEW), 2014
  • Co-fondateur et membre du comité de rédaction du Canadian Journal of Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, 2010 à aujourd’hui