The Role of Grantmaking Foundations in Restructuring Ontario’s Philanthropic Action: Throughout and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis 

PhiLab Ontario Hub Regional Conference 2021. 


PhiLab’s Ontario Hub hosted a three-afternoon regional virtual conference with the purpose of bringing together established and emerging scholars, grantmaking foundations, and philanthropic organizations to develop a common understanding and direction on the challenges and priorities of philanthropic action in Canada and Ontario. Isidora Gievski-Sidorovska was the conference organizer in collaboration with Manuel Litalien and François Brouard, co-directors of Philab Ontario.

Cahiers de recherche

Sidorovska, Isidora G. (2021). Pledge to GIVE5. Research report, Philab.
Sidorovska, Isidora G. (2020). Lawson Foundation: Responses to COVID-19. Research report, Philab.

Articles académiques

Saifer, Adam, Isidora Gievski-Sidorovska, Manuel Litalien, Jean-Marc Fontan, & Charles Duprez. 2021. “Examining the COVID-19 Response of Canadian Grantmaking Foundations: Possibilities, Tensions, and Long-Term Implications.” ANSERJ Canadian Journal of Non-Profit and Social Economy Research/Revue Canadienne de Recherche Sur Les OSBL et l’économie Sociale 12 (1): 14–30.


PHILAB Ontario : Current state of the sector and future challenges and priorities (Session1)
PhiLab Ontario – Provincial Conference UQAM, Nipissing University, Carleton University, University of Waterloo, “The Role of Grantmaking Foundations in Restructuring Ontario’s Philanthropic Action Throughout and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis”, 12-14 May
Adams, Grace, Brouard, François, Litalien, Manuel, GievskiSidorovska, Isidora. (2021). Philab Ontario Hub Regional Conference May 2021 - The Role of Grantmaking Foundations in Restructuring Ontario’s Philanthropic Action: Throughout and Beyond the COVID-19 Crisis, Philab Ontario, Event Note, June, 18p.]
“The Work of Foundations During COVID-19: Resilience, Recovery, and Reinvention”, Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC), 24 February 2021.
“The Work of Foundations During COVID-19: Resilience, Recovery, and Reinvention”, Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC), 24 February 2021.

Centre régional

Axe de Recherche

  • Axe 4 : Philanthropie et justice sociale


Membres de l'équipe



  • Andrew Chunilall, Community Foundation Canada
  • Cathy Taylor, ONN
  • Marcel Lauzière, Lawson Foundation
  • Gillian White, Ontario Trillium Foundation
  • Stephanie ProcK, United Way GT
  • Jean-Marc Mangin, PFC
  • David Lasby, Imagine Canada
  • Susan Phillips, University Carleton

Début du projet

  • June 2020

Fin du projet

  • December 2021