Professional Co-development group: An educational approach and research method

Research Projects


The research team has been studying, since 2013, the optimization of individual and organizational impacts of professional co-development groups (PCG). The PCG is an educational approach comprising of small groups and an animator. It is based on a seven-step structure focused on interactions as well as individual and collective brainstorming, with the aim of facilitating learning and improving practices. When the group’s objectives are aligned with the organization’s strategic plan or that of one of their services, a PCG can support a change, transformation or innovation. PCG allows to dig deeper into situations by questioning them and benefiting from collective intelligence.

The proposed method, along with the learning perspective adopted by PCG contributes to the production of new knowledge within the group. PCG is thus also a way of advancing knowledge on a particular subject, such as philanthropy, or more specifically, on its issues and methods for example. Our research will first focus on defining PCGs, articulating its structure and highlighting its conditions for success.

Second, we will present the results of our research on the knowledge and competences being developed in our participating groups.

Affiliated Hub(s): Québec

Research Axis: Innovative philanthropic research methods

Project supervisor: Nathalie Lafranchise

Partner(s): PhiLab, CISSS de Laval, CISSS du Bas-Saint-Laurent, CISSS de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue, CISSS de l’Outaouais, CIUSSS Capitale-Nationale, Fédération Québécoise des médecins omnipraticiens, Clinique Pure, Confédération des syndicats nationaux, Fédération Québécoise des coopératives scolaires, Associations des administratrices et des administrateurs de recherche universitaire du Québec, Revenu Canada, Transport Canada, HEC Montréal, Polytechnique Montréal, Coach Évolution, Association Québécoise de Codéveloppement Professionnel, Mentorat Québec. Fonds de recherche participant : Deux subventions obtenues par le CRSH, dans le cadre du concours Développement de partenariat. (2013-2016; 2017-2020)

Team member(s):  Maxime Paquet, Wendy Reid, Amélie Bruneau-David.

Student researcher(s): 

Beginning date of the project: 

End date or projected end date of the project: