Hockey Canada – Financial Information Issues about transparency and responsiveness
Hockey Canada faced a serious crisis regarding allegations of sexual misconduct and how they handle those allegations, the settlement of a complaint and the payment of funds from a National Equity Fund. Written by François Brouard, DBA, FCPA, FCA (Carleton University), Marc Pilon, PhD, CPA, CA (Laurentian University), and Andrew Webb, PhD (Carleton University), a research note summarizes the financial information regarding Hockey Canada and related entities and presents some reflections about transparency and responsiveness. This research note was finalized on October 11, 2022. The crisis raises transparency issues, not only for Hockey Canada, but also for the nonprofit sector as a whole.
· François Brouard, Marc Pilon, Andrew Webb #PARG 2022-12NR , Research Note,
· Hockey Canada – Financial Information: Issues about transparency and responsiveness, October 11, 2022, 37p