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The Dynamics and Challenges of Diasporic and Ethnic Philanthropy

Research papers

This research paper brings together three research notes focusing on the dynamics and challenges of diasporic and ethnic philanthropy. By focusing on a number of distinct issues and debates, these works are part of an effort to better understand the effects and practices of this type of philanthropy, which remains little studied despite its importance.

The three research notes explore different aspects, both empirical and theoretical, and shed further light on philanthropy in diasporic communities. They highlight the political, social and theoretical dimensions that shape these philanthropic initiatives at the crossroads of national and transnational space. They are part of a larger research project on ethnic philanthropy involving several Philab Ontario members.

Read the research paper: The Dynamics and Challenges of Diasporic and Ethnic Philanthropy


Research paper by Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger, Manuel Litalien, Natalya Brown, François Brouard, Lanyan Chen & Odwa Atari

Bande dessinée: En quête d’autonomie – Une visite au Bâtiment 7


Page couverture de la bande dessinée dur le projet Bâtiment 7Nous vous présentons une bande dessinée conçue dans le cadre du projet de recherche financé par le PhiLab: La philanthropie à la rencontre d’un commun. Enquête sur la démarche collaborative entre fondations subventionnaires visant à soutenir le développement du Bâtiment 7

Consulter la bande dessinée ici

Scénario et textes
Alexis Curodeau-Codère, David Grant-Poitras et
Sylvain A. Lefèvre
Illustrations et mise en page:
Alexis Curodeau-Codère

Pour citer ce document
Curodeau-Codère, A., Grant-Poitras, D., Lefèvre, S.
(2023). En quête d’autonomie. Une visite au Bâtiment
7, Service aux collectivités de l’UQÀM,

Loi 25 : source d’inégalités entre OBNL

Research papers

Depuis 2022, les organismes à but non lucratif (OBNL) doivent se conformer, comme toutes les organisations publiques et privées québécoises, à la Loi 25, aussi appelée Loi modernisant des dispositions législatives en matière de protection des renseignements personnels. Plus qu’un simple cadre juridique, cette loi est au coeur de la transformation numérique qui s’opère au sein des OBNL.

Ce rapport de recherche entend comprendre les freins rencontrés par les OBNL, les raisons qui poussent certains à être plus avancés que d’autres, et, en quoi cette Loi creuse les inégalités entre eux.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Loi 25 : Source d’inégalités entre OBNL



Cahier de recherche par Florence Bigot

Étude comparative Canada / États-Unis sur la philanthropie subventionnaire fondée sur le lieu

Academic papers

The purpose of this article is to present the main findings of a research project conducted between 2019 and 2022 with the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC). The research involved a comparative study of ten grant-giving foundations that adopted a place-based philanthropic approach. Our text is divided into three main sections. The first looks at contemporary philanthropy. The second presents the results of the meta-analysis carried out at the start of the comparative study. The third section presents the results of the comparative analysis. Before concluding with a place-based call to action, we present the questions that guided our data collection and validate or invalidate our working hypotheses.

By Jean-Marc Fontan, Maria Martinez-Cosio, Joshua Newton, Nancy Pole et Mirle Rabinowitz

Read full article : Étude comparative Canada / États-Unis sur la philanthropie subventionnaire fondée sur le lieu 


Tisser des liens dans la tourmente : leçons et héritages du Consortium COVID Québec en temps de crise sanitaire

Research papers

En mars 2020, face aux premiers cas de COVID-19 au Québec et à la déclaration de l’état d’urgence sanitaire, quatre fondations philanthropiques québécoises ont uni leurs forces pour créer le Consortium philanthropique COVID Québec. La pandémie a exposé de graves dysfonctionnements dans les systèmes de santé canadiens. La clairvoyance des fondations a été de comprendre qu’elles seraient capables de mettre sur pied des actions flexibles et impactantes dans des délais très courts, offrant dans l’urgence des prises aux acteurs communautaires sur des actions de terrain là où l’inertie gouvernementale n’aurait pas permis une telle agilité.

Depuis ses débuts, le PhiLab a scruté de près les dynamiques internes du Consortium, explorant les motivations de sa création, les évolutions des relations entre les fondations philanthropiques, et leur impact sur le secteur de la philanthropie au Québec. Cette étude conclut une série de trois recherches réalisées à différentes étapes du Consortium, mettant en lumière comment les initiatives favorisant la réactivité communautaire marquent une rupture avec le modèle traditionnel où les bailleurs de fonds dictent les efforts des organisations communautaires. Bien que le secteur peine à se réinventer profondément, cette expérience a permis de valoriser des approches philanthropiques basées sur la confiance, la proximité avec les acteurs communautaires, et une gestion centrée sur l’équité, la diversité et l’inclusion sociale.

Cette étude tire les enseignements de cette expérience pour analyser ses impacts à long terme, offrant aux fondations des perspectives cruciales pour repenser leurs stratégies en période de crise et mieux affronter les défis et bouleversements majeurs qui caractérisent notre époque.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Tisser des liens dans la tourmente : leçons et héritages du Consortium COVID Québec en temps de crise sanitaire 

Cahier de recherche par Charles Duprez

Une cartographie de l’écosystème d’accompagnement des OBNL au Québec

Research papers

Dans le cadre d’un projet de recherche mené par une équipe de l’Université de Sherbrooke en collaboration avec Centraide Estrie, un acteur philanthropique en Estrie, des organismes à but non lucratif (OBNL) ont souligné l’importance d’être accompagnés par ces acteurs philanthropiques au moyen de services concrets, allant au-delà de l’aide financière. Une question s’est rapidement posée quant à savoir si les acteurs philanthropiques devaient acquérir de nouvelles compétences pour fournir ces services ou s’ils devaient plutôt collaborer avec des partenaires disposant de cette expertise. Autrement dit, choisir entre une approche d’internalisation ou une externalisation de l’offre de services.

L ’intuition de l’équipe de recherche était en faveur de l’externalisation, car le Québec compte de nombreux acteurs qualifiés et expérimentés ayant développé une expertise approfondie dans l’accompagnement des OBNL, que ce soit en matière de ressources humaines, de gouvernance ou de communication. Cependant, l’équipe de recherche a été surprise de constater la difficulté à identifier de manière concrète cet écosystème d’accompagnement.

C’est ainsi qu’a vu le jour ce projet de recherche, dont l’objectif initial était de prendre position entre l’internalisation et l’externalisation de l’offre de services. Le projet visait ainsi à cartographier l’écosystème d’accompagnement des OBNL au Québec, afin de mieux appréhender sa portée et d’évaluer les possibilités de collaboration qui en découlaient. Au fil du temps, le projet de recherche a pris une nouvelle tournure en raison de la difficulté que nous avons eue à identifier les acteurs qui composent cet écosystème d’accompagnement. Nous avons alors réalisé que si nous étions confrontés à ce défi, d’autres OBNL ayant besoin de services d’accompagnement le rencontraient probablement également.

Pour donner vie à ce projet de recherche, deux autres partenaires ont été impliqués, à savoir le PhiLab, le réseau canadien de recherche partenariale sur la philanthropie, et la Fondation J. Armand Bombardier. Ces deux acteurs occupent une place centrale au sein de l’écosystème d’accompagnement des OBNL, et l’objectif était de tirer parti de leur vaste expérience et expertise pour produire la toute première cartographie exhaustive de l’écosystème québécois dédié au renforcement des capacités des OBNL.

Ainsi, avec l’objectif principal de cartographier de façon exhaustive l’écosystème d’accompagnement des OBNL au Québec , ce projet se donne plusieurs sous objectifs complémentaires : 

  • Identifier les acteurs de l’écosystème d’accompagnement des OBNL et les différencier selon leurs particularités;

  • Mieux comprendre l’offre en matière d’accompagnement en termes de répartition géographique, de disponibilité, de thèmes couverts, etc. ;

  • Établir un diagnostic préliminaire de cet écosystème en matière de forces, faiblesses, opportunités et menaces ;

  • Proposer des recommandations pour les OBNL, acteurs de l’écosystème d’accompagnement et les pouvoirs publics afin de mieux orienter leurs actions et politiques d’aide.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche:  Une cartographie de l’écosystème d’accompagnement des OBNL au Québec

Cahier de recherche par Sofiane Baba, David Grant-Poitras, Amina Wazoumi Ignanoné, Diallo Ibrahima II, Diane Alalouf-Hall, Charles Lavoie

Ottawa Black Bears – A new professionnal lacrosse team in Ottawa

Academic papers

Ottawa Black BearsOn February 21, 2024, the Ottawa Black Bears became the newest franchise of the National Lacrosse League (NLL) For the 2024-2025 season, Ottawa will be the 15th team of the NLL following the relocation of the New York Riptide franchise. The owner, GF Sports and Entertainment, is partnering commercially with Senators Sports & Entertainment, and will play at the Canadian Tire Centre starting in December 2024. The regular season is 18 games, including nine regular home games. Our research question is: What is the landscape of the new professional lacrosse team in the professional sports landscape in Ottawa-Gatineau? This research note presents some facts and some reflections regarding the arrival of the new professional team in a relatively unknown sport in the Ottawa-Gatineau region. The archival methodology used to prepare the research note is essentially an examination of documents publicly available, websites, and newspapers’ articles.

By François Brouard and Manuel Litalien

Read the research note : Ottawa Black Bears – A new professional lacrosse team in Ottawa

The PhiLanthropic Year – Volume 5

PhiLanthropic Year Journal


To mark the end of the SSHRC partnership grant and the beginning of a new phase of work for PhiLab, we decided to dedicate the 2024 edition of the PhiLanthropic Year to a culmination of the work begun with the national conference of 2022.

Continuity is established by the presentation of a synthesis of work on the major themes addressed by our research partnership teams. This synthesis follows the three main work objectives of our Network, namely: to deepen our knowledge of the philanthropic ecosystem; to situate the contribution of philanthropy in terms of social justice (fight against inequalities) and environmental justice (ecological transition); and, to understand better the interventions carried out by medium-sized foundations.

We hope this forward-looking synthesis will add value to our collective representation of the Canadian philanthropic ecosystem.

To read the flip-through version click here

Find the downloadable PDF here



Find the full list of articles here:

Éditorial | Editorial

PhiLab: A Bridge between Academia, the Philanthropic Sector and Policies, by Jean-Marc Fontan & Peter R. Elson

Entrevue | Interview

Evaluation of the PhiLab project: Assigned roles and functions, by Laurence Croteau – Quebec Hub

Dossier spécial | Special Feature

Six Years of Partnership Research on Grantmaking Philanthropy: What have we learned?, by PhiLab’s Operational Committee

Études de cas | Case Studies

Linking audience inspiration and philanthropy: Post-pandemic learning in the cultural sector, by Wendy Reid – PhiLab member

The Ivey Foundation’s ‘Spending Up’ Policy: A Strategic Decision for Environmental Change – An interview with Bruce Lourie, by Katherine Mac Donald, PhiLab Coordinator

Research Briefing: Philanthropy for Vulnerable Seniors in Quebec, by Adam Saifer – Western Hub,  Diane Alalouf-Hall – Quebec Hub Supervisor & Lise Roche – Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo

The Influence of Religious Philanthropy on the Cause of International Aid in the Netherlands – A Comparison of Three Organizations, by Gertie Kreling – Philanthropic consultant for Allergies Québec

Rural Philanthropy in Canada, by Kelly Vodden – Atlantic Hub Supervisor, François Brouard & Manuel Litalien – Ontario Hub Co-Directors, Laurence Croteau – Quebec Hub, Tuyet-Anh T. Le, & Alex Petric – Students

Les professionnel.le.s de la philanthropie au Québec : exploration des métiers et des compétences au service du secteur, by Caroline Bergeron – Quebec Hub, Diane Alalouf-Hall – Quebec Hub Supervisor & David Grant-Poitras – Quebec Hub Coordinator

Reflection on my Partnership Research with the Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia (RCFNS), by Edmund Yirenki – Atlantic Hub & Penny Day – Rural Community Foundations of Nova Scotia

Challenges, Lessons and Implications of Collecting Social Identity Data in the Social and Community Services Sector, by Isabel Cascante & Umair Majid – United Way Greater Toronto

Philanthropy in Transition: The Promise of Trust-Based Approaches in Addressing Complex Social Challenges, by Isidora Sidorovska – PhiLab Ontario

Naviguer la politique | Navigating Policy

Setting International Standards to Reverse Shrinking Civic Space, by Casey Kelso – WINGS

La transition vers une finance durable : Quelle influence des fondations?, by David Grant-Poitras – Quebec Hub Coordinator

Quelles leçons tirées d’une expérience de philanthropie basée sur la confiance ?, by Marie-Andrée Farmer – Fondation du Grand Montréal

National Nonprofit Sector Advocacy in the 2020s, by Cathy Barr – Imagine Canada

Power in Community, by Sophie Kirby – Social Programs for the Northwest Territories Legislative Assembly, Bruce W. J. Miller – Indigenous Peoples Resilience Fund & Jess Housty – Indigenous Writer

Comptes-rendus de lecture | Book Reviews

Philanthropic Foundations in Canada – Landscapes, Indigenous perspectives and pathways to change, edited by Peter R. Elson – PhiLab Co-Director, Sylvain A. Lefèvre – PhiLab Québec & Jean-Marc Fontan – PhiLab Co-Director

A New Look at Place-based Philanthropy Insights from Canada and the US, by Jean-Marc Fontan – PhiLab Co-Director, Maria Martinez-Cosio & Josh Newton – International Hub, Nancy Pole – Quebec Hub & Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell – International Hub

From Charity to Change: Inside the World of Canadian Foundations, by Hilary Pearson – previous President of Philanthropic Foundations Canada

État des lieux sur la philanthropie subventionnaire québécoise, under the direction of Diane Alalouf-Hall – Quebec Hub Supervisor, Caroline Bergeron – Quebec Hub & Jean-Marc Fontan – PhiLab Co-director

Outils| Tools

Philanthropic Training in Canada | Database

A Wiki of essential philanthropic terms

Edition’s main artist: Samantha Giroux– To learn more about their work

Influencer et s’influencer ? La trajectoire du Collectif des fondations québécoises contre les inégalités (2014-2023)

Research papers

This report analyzes the evolution of the Collectif des fondations québécoises contre les inégalités, after a decade of existence (2014-2023). During this period, within the Collective, the way of understanding inequalities changed: in addition to taking into account the economic dimensions, member foundations opened the discussion on the subject of racial discrimination and environmental injustices. The action repertoire has also changed. The birth of the Collective was a public media release in March 2015 to challenge the government on the impact of its austerity measures on social inequalities. This strategy was coupled in the following decade with a more sustained effort to question and transform the practices of the foundations themselves, on issues linked to inequalities. The Collective’s evolutions are taking place in a changing Quebec philanthropic landscape, marked by the increase in collaborations but also, paradoxically, by the inequalities of means between foundations. Ultimately, this case study also highlights the challenges experienced within the Collective by its members and their sometimes diverse expectations for this collective tool.

Read the research paper: Influencer et s’influencer ? La trajectoire du Collectif des fondations québécoises contre les inégalités (2014-2023)

Research paper by Annabelle Berthiaume, Sylvain A. Lefèvre, Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger

Exploring ‘place-based’ initiatives in philanthropic community development: A transnational examination of Canadian and US Foundations

Academic papers

This review examines the role of philanthropy, particularly community philanthropy and community foundations, in financing climate change mitigation and adaptation in Canada. Despite the increasing impact of climate change on the nation and the transition to a greener economy, a noticeable gap exists in comprehensive studies addressing philanthropy’s role in addressing climate change impacts and action, particularly at the community level. The review systematically analyzes prior research on philanthropy’s contribution to funding climate change initiatives in Canada, focusing on community-based efforts. It evaluates existing knowledge, identifies common themes, and addresses limitations in the literature to inform future research. The review reveals that while climate related investment opportunities are rising due to growing demand and ESG considerations, philanthropic contributions to climate change in Canada remain relatively small. The review emphasizes the importance of community philanthropy and highlights supporting policy engagement, investing in local climate solutions, and addressing environmental justice through community-based

by Edmund Yirenkyi & Kelly Vodden

Read more: The role of philanthropy in financing climate change mitigation and adaptation in Canada: A systematic literature review

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Case studies and comparison

Research papers

Dans le cadre d’un exercice de cartographie, ce rapport de recherche présente la collection de 14 études de cas de fondations canadiennes associées à des clubs sportifs professionnels. Les études de cas sous forme de notes de recherche distinctes se sont concentrées sur la description et les informations financières de chaque fondation individuelle. Une introduction présente un aperçu des différentes notes et une analyse comparative résume toutes les études de cas. Dans le cadre de cet exercice de cartographie basé sur la T3010 de l’Agence de revenu du Canada (ARC), l’objectif est de fournir dans un seul document la série complète des notes de recherche relatives à l’ensemble des fondations canadiennes associées aux clubs sportifs professionnels.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche:
Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Case studies and comparison
 Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Overview
Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Comparative analysis





14 études de cas de fondations canadiennes associées à des clubs sportifs professionnels




Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Comparative analysis

Research papers

Sports in Canada is a complex social phenomenon where gender, age, race, class, masculinity and sex comes together for the benefit of health and fitness of each individual, regardless of all backgrounds and geographic locations (Joseph, Darnell and Nakamura, 2012). It is then not a surprise that professional sports clubs are a common and a popular feature found across Canada and, undoubtedly, part of the very social fabric of our communities crossing all boundaries. The same observation, however, cannot be said on their respective sport foundations, which go largely unnoticed despite their significant social and economic presence (Gumulka, Barr, Lasby and Brownlee, 2005).

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Comparative analysis

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – BC Lions Alumni Association Foundation (Vancouver)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the BC Lions Alumni Association Foundation associated with the BC Lions.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – BC Lions Alumni Association Foundation (Vancouver)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Whitecaps Foundation (Vancouver)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Whitecaps Foundation associated with the Vancouver Whitecaps FC.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Whitecaps Foundation (Vancouver)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Canucks for Kids Fund (Vancouver) and Vancouver Canucks Alumni Foundation

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Canucks for Kids Fund and Vancouver Canucks Alumni Foundation associated with the Vancouver Canucks.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Canucks for Kids Fund (Vancouver) and Vancouver Canucks Alumni Foundation

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Saskatchewan Roughrider Foundation (Regina)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Saskatchewan Roughrider Foundation associated with the Saskatchewan Roughriders.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Saskatchewan Roughrider Foundation (Regina)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation (Edmonton)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation associated with the Edmonton Oilers.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation (Edmonton)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Calgary Flames Foundation (Calgary)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Calgary Flames Foundation associated with the Calgary Flames.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Calgary Flames Foundation (Calgary)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – True North Youth Foundation (Winnipeg)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes some information regarding the True North Youth Foundation associated with the Winnipeg Jets.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – True North Youth Foundation (Winnipeg)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Jays Care Foundation (Toronto)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Jays Care Foundation associated with the Toronto Blue Jays.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Jays Care Foundation (Toronto)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – MLSE Foundation (Toronto)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the MLSE Foundation associated with the Toronto Maple Leafs, Toronto Raptors, Toronto Argonauts, Toronto FC.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – MLSE Foundation (Toronto)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Fondation Impact de Montréal (Montréal)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes some information regarding the Fondation Impact de Montréal associated with the Club de football CF Montréal.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Fondation Impact de Montréal (Montréal)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Fondation des Alouettes (Montréal)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Fondation des Alouettes / Alouettes Foundation associated with the Alouettes de Montréal.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Fondation des Alouettes (Montréal)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Fondation du Club de Hockey Canadien pour l’enfance (Montréal)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Fondation du Club de Hockey Canadien pour l’enfance / Montreal Canadiens Children’s Foundation associated with the Canadiens de Montréal and the Rocket de Laval.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Fondation du Club de Hockey Canadien pour l’enfance (Montréal)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Senators Community Foundation (Ottawa)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the Senators Community Foundation associated with the Ottawa Senators.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Senators Community Foundation (Ottawa)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – OSEG Foundation (Ottawa)

Research papers

Professional sports clubs are very popular in Canada. However, foundations associated with them are not well known. In an effort to present some of those foundations, a number of research notes are prepared for all Canadians foundations associated with professional sports clubs in the major professional sport league, namely hockey (National Hockey League (NHL)), football (Canadian Football League (CFL)), baseball(Major League Baseball (MBL)), basketball (National Basketball Association (NBA)),and soccer (Major League Soccer (MLS)).

This research note summarizes information regarding the OSEG Foundation /Fondation OSEG associated with the Ottawa Redblacks and Ottawa 67’s.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – OSEG Foundation (Ottawa)

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Overview

Research papers

Sports in Canada is a complex social phenomenon where gender, age, race, class, masculinity and sex comes together for the benefit of health and fitness of each individual, regardless of all backgrounds and geographic locations (Joseph, Darnell and Nakamura, 2012). It is then not a surprise that professional sports clubs are a common and a popular feature found across Canada and, undoubtedly, part of the very social fabric of our communities crossing all boundaries. The same observation, however, cannot be said on their respective sport foundations, which go largely unnoticed despite their significant social and economic presence (Gumulka, Barr, Lasby and Brownlee, 2005).

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Canadian Foundations Associated with Professional Sports Clubs – Overview

Cahier de recherche par François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Lucille Perreault

Bâtir une société juste, écologique et démocratique : quel rôles et responsabilités pour la philanthropie?

Research papers

Dans l’enceinte de l’UQAM, une douzaine d’étudiant·e·s se sont réuni·e·s lors de l’École d’Automne 2023 du PhiLab Québec. Face aux défis sans précédent que notre monde affronte sur le plan social et écologique, cette rencontre a pris la forme d’une exploration profonde du rôle et de la responsabilité du secteur philanthropique dans la construction d’un avenir conforme à nos aspirations les plus fondamentales. L’événement sur trois jours a été marqué par la présence de panélistes éminents, chacun apportant sa perspective unique et son engagement passionné. Parmi eux figuraient Sylvain A Lefèvre, chercheur et professeur à l’UQAM, Jacques Bordeleau du collectif des fondations, Hélène Dufresne de la Fondation Dufresne et Gautier, Mario Régis de Centraide, Eric St-Pierre, Caroline Lavoie et Flavie Desgagné-Éthier de la Fondation Trottier, ainsi que Diane Alalouf-Hall, chercheure et directrice du PhiLab Québec, David Grant-Poitras, chercheur et coordonnateur du PhiLab Québec, et Jean-Marc Fontan, codirecteur du réseau PhiLab. L’événement réunissait donc des intellectuels-les provenant de divers horizons académiques et professionnels. Cette variété d’expériences et de connaissances a créé un terreau fertile pour des discussions profondes et l’énoncé de perspectives nouvelles sur les défis complexes auxquels notre société est confrontée lors d’ateliers thématiques.


Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche:Bâtir une société juste, écologique et démocratique : quel rôles et responsabilités pour la philanthropie?

Cahier de recherche par Diane Alalouf-Hall, David Grant-Poitras, Jean-Marc Fontan, Felix Chouinard, Catherine Boily, Andréanne Brunet-Bélanger, Etienne Sinotte, Alexandre Clément, Patrick Yoda, Sacha-Emmanuel Mossu et Lynne Dupuis

L’essor de la finance sociale dans le champ de la philanthropie subventionnaire

Research papers

This research paper explores a fast-growing area of intervention among philanthropic foundations operating in Quebec and Canada: social finance. Leveraging the institutional investor status of these organizations, this alternative financial market offers a variety of investment strategies that pursue positive social and environmental objectives in addition to strictly financial ones. Social finance thus opens up the possibility of internalizing the benefits of one’s financial portfolio, so that it is no longer exclusively donations, but also investments, that work to advance the social mission of foundations. However, although social finance is radically shifting the boundaries of philanthropic action, its developments remain little studied by the research community to date. By addressing this knowledge gap, this research paper contributes to documenting and understanding these new fields of intervention for foundations, as well as serving as a tool of reflection for any foundation seeking to allocate its capital in response to various societal challenges. To this end, it is divided into three complementary sections, which can be read independently of one another. The first section sets the scene by explaining the historical context in which social finance emerged, and by outlining the main trends and variants that coexist within it today. A second section traces the history of social finance within the Quebec philanthropic ecosystem, from the 1990s to the present day. Finally, the third section presents case studies of six of Canada’s most committed and innovative foundations in the field of social finance.

Read the research paper: L’essor de la finance sociale dans le champ de la philanthropie subventionnaire

Research paper by David Grant-Poitras & Audrey Maria Popa


A New Look at Place-based Philanthropy Insights from Canada and the US


by Jean-Marc Fontan, Maria Martinez-Cosio, Josh Newton, Nancy Pole, and Mirle Rabinowitz Bussell

E-book available here


In this edited volume, the authors present rich case studies of place-based philanthropy in the United States and Canada that make a strong conceptual and empirical argument for the importance, and growing imperative, of place-based philanthropy in 2023 and beyond. Offering a multidisciplinary theoretical grounding in the connection between philanthropy and place, the case studies range from foundations engaged in disaster recovery, a First Nations UNESCO site, to a funder collaborative engaging seven philanthropies targeting 30 neighborhoods in Montreal, and a private foundation developing a model for holistic change that is being replicated in underserved communities throughout the U.S, among others. Collectively, the case studies bring into the conversation the meaning that individuals bring to their spaces as members of diverse communities, as public and private actors seeking to effect change in underserved communities, and the tension that may result as place is redefined through philanthropic work. The themes and lessons learned that emerge from the case studies offer insights for practitioners, scholars and students of philanthropy.


Influence de la philanthropie religieuse sur la cause de l’aide internationale aux Pays-Bas

Research papers

This exploratory research begins with a personal account of a decade of experience as an immigrant to Canada, highlighting the country’s cultural diversity, particularly in Quebec. The author, originally from the Netherlands, shares her perspective as a constant comparison between the two countries. The research topic has been refined to focus on the influence of religious philanthropy on international aid, a cause that is particularly popular in the Netherlands. This research project offers a fresh look at a relevant and complex subject, shedding light on the interaction between religious philanthropy and international aid in the Netherlands.

Read the research paper: Influence de la philanthropie religieuse sur la cause de l’aide internationale aux Pays-Bas

Research paper by Gertie Kreling

Funding Journalism: A Guide for Canadian Philanthropy

Research papers

Quality journalism is a pillar of democracy. It provides trustworthy information and holds power to account.  

Now more than ever, we know that media influences dominant narratives that drive public conversations and policies that affect our lives. At its best, independent journalism can give voice to underrepresented narratives and create a forum where people from diverse backgrounds can engage in informed and constructive dialogue across lines of difference. 

While journalism’s contributions to a healthy society are widely recognized, funding journalism is still uncharted territory in Canadian philanthropy. 

Funding Journalism: A Guide for Canadian Philanthropy contains practical information and tools for foundation staff and board members interested in funding journalism. It was created in collaboration with the Local News Research Project at Toronto Metropolitan University and Philanthropic Foundations Canada.

The guide is divided into four sections. The first section explores the rationale for funding journalism while the second looks at the nuts and bolts of how to go about it. The third section offers up a list of possible funding models for you to explore, and the fourth provides a roadmap for engaging in this field as a funder. 

Download the guide: Funding Journalism: A Guide for Canadian Philanthropy

Portrait des fondations canadiennes en 2020 : l’enjeu de la justice sociale et environnementale

Research papers

This portrait of Canadian foundations has two objectives. First, it aims to paint a socio- demographic portrait of social inequalities in Canada and the vulnerability factors that contribute to them, in order to better characterize the areas of intervention of Canadian foundations working on issues of social and environmental justice. Based on a statistical portrait of Canadian foundations registered with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) in 2020, it then seeks to identify their contribution to social and environmental justice; taking into account their ecosystem and the institutional context in which they operate.

To produce this portrait, various data sources were consulted. First, statistical data from Statistics Canada’s 2016 Census on gender, age, marital status, family, education, employment status, income, housing, immigration status and membership of a visible minority or indigenous peoples were collated to produce a sociodemographic portrait of social inequalities and the vulnerability factors contributing to them.

Secondly, a database has been created from information compiled by the Charities Directorate of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) concerning registered charities for the year 2020. This data is produced from forms T3010: Registered Charity Information Return and T1236 Qualified Donees Worksheet/Amounts Provided to Other Organizations.

Read the research paper: Portrait des fondations canadiennes en 2020 : l’enjeu de la justice sociale et environnementale

Research paper by David Longtin

Étude de cas sur la cause des aînés-es au Québec: Regards croisés sur les dons des fondations subventionnaires et la subsidiarité de l’État en lien avec la cause aînée — Phase II

Research papers

The research report aims to define the boundaries between philanthropic and governmental intervention in the cause of elderly people in Quebec. The elderly population of Quebec was hit full force by COVID-19. They were those most vulnerable to the pandemic, particularly those living in long term care homes, many of whom were among its victims. Furthermore, the public health crisis highlighted the blatant lack of resources available to respond to the difficulties faced by the most vulnerable elderly population. These difficulties have gotten worse recently: isolation, poverty, insecurity, psychological distress, unmet and increasing health care needs, etc.
With the insufficient involvement of the State and the growing needs brought to light by organizations working on the ground, grant making foundations have progressively been led to fill the gaps of State interventions dedicated to the elderly.

Faced with increased demands for support, grant making foundations have decided to invest themselves more in the situation of the elderly. It is however important to make a distinction between foundations that already included the elderly in their missions (such as is the case with the Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo) and those who made this choice recently in response to the needs accentuated by the pandemic. It is also important to determine the limits of their responsibility in response to this cause.

Read the research paper:  Étude de cas sur la cause des aines au Quebec – Phase II

Research paper by Diane Alalouf-Hall and Jean-Marc Fontan, of PhiLab, and Lise Roche of the Saputo Foundation

Cross-Sector Community Engagement Event: Advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals Through Local Community Action


The cross-sector community engagement event, held on June 19, 2023, brought together various stakeholders to discuss the importance of integrating the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into local community action. The event focused on three key themes: the significance of collaboration to address major social challenges, the value of the SDG framework for grant-making and philanthropy, and the urgent need for collective impact in response to the crisis of our time.

The event emphasized the pressing need for collaboration among diverse stakeholders, including government agencies, non-profit organizations, businesses, academia, and community members. Participants recognized that addressing the complex social challenges outlined by the SDGs requires collective effort and a shared vision. Collaboration facilitates resource sharing, knowledge sharing, and the creation of innovative solutions to tackle complex and pressing social challenges such as poverty, inequality, climate change, and wellbeing.


                                                                            Read the presentation slides :SDG Summit Slides
                                                                            Cross-Sector Community Engagement Event report

Presentation slides by the Western Hub Team

Fraude amoureuse : l’importance du rôle du secteur philanthropique pour aider les victimes et leur entourage

Research papers

This research paper was initially written in the context of the certificate in nonprofit management at Université de Montréal and has been adapted for PhiLab and its Network audience. Il discusses «Lonely Heart» scams and the vital role of philanthropy in helping their direct and indirect victims.
The objective is to better understand the reality of public sector field workers, to identify the services they can offer, their obstacles and limits, and most importantly, the connection that can be made with the philanthropic sector.

Read the research paper: Fraude amoureuse : l’importance du rôle du secteur philanthropique pour aider les victimes et leur entourage

Research paper by Marie-Noël Phaneuf, presented to Diane Alalouf-Hall as part of the Certificate in Philanthropic Management at the University of Montreal, a PhiLab partner.

Definitions of Northern / Rural / Remote / Peripheric Communities in a Philanthropic Context

Research papers

Philanthropy, and research on philanthropy, in Canada is often concentrated in large urban cities, such as Montréal, Toronto or Ottawa. However, philanthropic needs are not limited to large urban areas. Often, we use terms such as “Northern”, “Rural”, “Remote”, and “Peripheric”, when referring to smaller communities and their unique realities. Unfortunately, the definition of these terms, often based on geography, are less understood in a philanthropic context. The objective of this conceptual report is to define these Northern / Rural / Remote / Peripheric communities in the philanthropic context in order to assist funders, researchers, and policymakers in dealing with that lesser studied realities of these communities.

Read the research paper: Definitions of Northern / Rural / Remote / Peripheric Communities in a Philanthropic Context

Research paper by François Brouard, Manuel Litalien & Natalya Brown

Ruralité et Philanthropie Rapport I

Research papers

This three-part research report is the result of a collaboration between the Ateliers des savoirs partagés (ASP) initiative and a team of researchers from the Canadian Research Partnership Network on Philanthropy (PhiLab). The purpose of this collaboration is to carry out exploratory partnership research on the relationship between Quebec’s «grant-making philanthropic sector and the rural world». The first part of the project involves a survey of the scientific and organizational literature, establishing a theoretical and definitional work. The results of a recent query of the Canada Revenue Agency database are then used to paint a portrait of rural philanthropy in Quebec. The second section offers a summary of interviews conducted with ASP respondents and foundations. Finally, the third section offers a reflection on financing options and the contribution of philanthropy to ASP sustainability.

Read the research paper: Ruralité et Philanthropie Rapport I

Résumé exécutif| Executive summary

Annexe des fiches synthèses des entretiens

Research paper by Laurence Croteau, Quebec Hub Team

Mapping of Foundations Associated with Professional Sport Clubs – Phase 1


Hockey Canada TransparencyHockey Canada Crisis: Financial information and governance

Undeniably, sport plays an important role in our lives. Sport is a common societal denominator for many citizens in Canada and globally. Many believe that sport even possesses the ability to break down barriers, teach life skills, build character, unify people of different ethnic backgrounds and transcend social classes. Yet, the countless forms of physical activity aggregated under the broad banner of sport have also served as technologies to categorize and discipline individuals, to differentiate nations, to identify “others” and then to laud these constructed differences. Moreover, throughout history, sport has often been marshalled, as an element of control through diversion strategies.

To the extent that some authors even argue that modern nations can be viewed as the effect of rich and complex relationships forged by great social and cultural institutions—institutions that include mass media, religion, education, and professional sports (Giulianotti, 1999).

Professional sports clubs in Canada are present in every parts of the country. Many clubs have created foundations associated with their sport club. Nevertheless, we lack understanding about those foundations. This is in part, because there are currently little research been done on the professional sports clubs and their associated foundations.

A lot of money are collected and benefit the communities. However, with the COVID-19challenges on professional sports (some without spectators for a while), additional challenges will be present on those foundations in fundraising (some funds are coming from different activities – for example: 50/50, events with players’ appearances). Therefore, it is important to have a global picture of the sport foundations.

After 22 years in operations, the agreement between the Ottawa Senators Foundation and the Club, which grants the Foundation the right to use Club trademarks, including the Ottawa Senators name, expires on July 31, 2020, and will not be renewed by the club. Many questions are asked in the media. Another application, proposed as a separate research project, is moving from a broad analysis, which is the focus of this proposal regarding Canadian foundations associated with professional sports brands.

Research Questions:

1) Who are the foundations associated with each professional sport organizations in Canada, if any?

2) What are the relationships between Canadian professional sports clubs and their associated foundation(s)?


CHEO case study examining the financial relationship between a hospital and its foundations Summary of Thesis

Research papers

This paper examines the relationships between non-profit organizations, specifically hospitals and hospital foundations. Few studies have examined the relationships between hospitals and hospital foundations in a Canadian context. This research offers a better understanding of the relationships between hospitals and hospital foundations from a financial viewpoint. The research approach taken is qualitative and descriptive. The research strategy is a case study focusing on Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) along with its associated foundations: CHEO Foundation, CHEO Research Institute, and Roger Neilson House (RNH). This study contributes to assisting hospitals and hospital foundation stakeholders in understanding the interrelationships between hospitals and their foundations. Results show a close financial relationship between the CHEO group of entities consistent with high levels of collaboration.

Read the research paper: CHEO case study examining the financial relationship between a hospital and its foundations Summary of Thesis

 Research paper by Andrea Kosovac Sykes

Hockey Canada – Financial Information Issues about transparency and responsiveness


Hockey Canada – Financial Information Issues about transparency and responsiveness

Hockey Canada faced a serious crisis regarding allegations of sexual misconduct and how they handle those allegations, the settlement of a complaint and the payment of funds from a National Equity Fund. Written by François Brouard, DBA, FCPA, FCA (Carleton University), Marc Pilon, PhD, CPA, CA (Laurentian University), and Andrew Webb, PhD (Carleton University), a research note summarizes the financial information regarding Hockey Canada and related entities and presents some reflections about transparency and responsiveness. This research note was finalized on October 11, 2022. The crisis raises transparency issues, not only for Hockey Canada, but also for the nonprofit sector as a whole.

·         François Brouard, Marc Pilon, Andrew Webb #PARG 2022-12NR , Research Note,

·         Hockey Canada – Financial Information: Issues about transparency and responsiveness, October 11, 2022, 37p

Bonus : Very interesting research note from the Sprott School of Business dealing with Hockey Canada and transparency


Étude de cas sur la cause des aînés-es au Québec: Regards croisés sur les dons des fondations subventionnaires et la subsidiarité de l’État en lien avec la cause aînée — Phase I

Research papers

The research report aims to define the boundaries between philanthropic and governmental intervention in the cause of elderly people in Quebec. The elderly population of Quebec was hit full force by COVID-19. They were those most vulnerable to the pandemic, particularly those living in long term care homes, many of whom were among its victims. Furthermore, the public health crisis highlighted the blatant lack of resources available to respond to the difficulties faced by the most vulnerable elderly population. These difficulties have gotten worse recently: isolation, poverty, insecurity, psychological distress, unmet and increasing health care needs, etc.
With the insufficient involvement of the State and the growing needs brought to light by organizations working on the ground, grant making foundations have progressively been led to fill the gaps of State interventions dedicated to the elderly.

Faced with increased demands for support, grant making foundations have decided to invest themselves more in the situation of the elderly. It is however important to make a distinction between foundations that already included the elderly in their missions (such as is the case with the Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo) and those who made this choice recently in response to the needs accentuated by the pandemic. It is also important to determine the limits of their responsibility in response to this cause.

Read the research paper: Regards croisés sur les dons des fondations subventionnaires et la subsidiarité de l’État en lien avec la cause aînée — Phase I

Research paper by Diane Alalouf-Hall and Jean-Marc Fontan, of PhiLab, and Lise Roche of the Saputo Foundation

The PhiLanthropic Year – Volume 4

PhiLanthropic Year Journal

PhiLanthropic Year #4

Initially, the case for openness, transparency and accountability can seem relatively straight forward: simply provide more information in an open and accessible fashion. Yet, as the 2022 edition of The PhiLanthropic Year illustrates, there is a lot of action beneath what would otherwise appear to be a calm exterior.

We hope that this edition of our annual journal provides a catalyst for foundations, researchers, students, and community members to explore with purpose and meaning the implications of being open, transparent, and accountable.

The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).

Published annually, each issue is taken in charge by a different editorial team that is connected to PhiLab. The team, from a management point of view, is responsible for the design as well as the creation and management of a call for contributions. By publishing the PhiLanthropic Year, we make sure to act as a complement to the existing offer of scientific literature and publications directed to the general public.

The PhiLanthropic Year is part of a global strategy implemented by PhiLab to spread awareness of the successes as much as of the issues of the Canadian philanthropic ecosystem while paving the way for comparisons with existing practices from around the world. Finally, let us recognize that the creation of our journal could not have been possible without the support of the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC).

Find the flip-through version here

Find the full PDF version here

Below is the list of individual articles found in the journal:

Main artist of the edition: MélikaFind more of their work here

État des lieux sur la philanthropie subventionnaire québécoise


État des lieux sur la philanthropie subventionnaire québécoisepar Diane Alalouf-Hall , Caroline Bergeron, Jean-Marc Fontan

Disponible en version papier et électronique ici


Dans l’opinion publique comme dans le domaine scientifique, la définition de la philanthropie est loin d’être univoque. Cet ouvrage présente les résultats de recherches menées entre l’été 2018 et l’été 2021 sur différentes dimensions de la philanthropie subventionnaire québécoise. Elles s’inscrivent dans le programme général de travail mis sur pied par le Réseau de chercheurs universitaires et de partenaires de l’écosystème philanthropique québécois.

Divisés en trois parties, les différents chapitres qui composent État des lieux sur la philanthropie subventionnaire québécoise contribuent à l’approfondissement des connaissances du milieu philanthropique québécois et introduisent des perspectives nouvelles, dont le regard autochtone. Plusieurs spécialistes se penchent sur les modalités de gestion des organisations philanthropiques, et surtout, portent une attention critique sur l’effet des interventions de fondations subventionnaires.

Cet ouvrage apporte un éclairage à la fois de base et spécialisé sur un secteur hétérogène qui demande à être mieux connu. Il s’adresse à des personnes actives dans le secteur philanthropique, intéressées par ce dernier ou en interaction avec des organisations de bienfaisance ou des fondations subventionnaires.

Conference report : Re-imagining Philanthropy

Re-imagining Philanthropy was an opportunity to participate in the writing of a narrative that mapped out a philanthropy on different traditions – Indigenous and non-Indigenous, Western, and non-Western across Turtle Island to reinvigorate the age-old traditions of giving and sharing, caring and solidarity, and to reinvigorate the values of equity, respect for indentity, and justice in all its forms.

Re-imagining Philanthropy was designed to make heard a variety of voices, carriers of knowledge, ideas, proposals, claims, and testimonies for a better world. Together, we were able to draw the contours of a philanthropy that met the conditions necessary for the success of a social and ecological transition.

Re-imagining Philanthropy was intended to be a participaroty conference where each session was conceived as a chapter in a booklet. This collective writing will be a first step in imagining possible transformations of the Canadien philanthropic ecosystem,

The objectives of the conference:

  • Identify existing tensions, discuss opportunities, and prioritize our thinking about philanthropy in post-COVID era.
  • Reflect on the modalities and conditions that need to be in place to meet the current and future needs of the philanthropic sector.
  • Consolidate the cross-fertilization of knowledge between the academic, social, and philanthropic communities.

What are the antecedent factors that influence immigrant and newcomer philanthropic practices and understandings in Canada?

Research papers

Ethnocultual philanthThis paper examines developments in research on immigrant/newcomer philanthropy in Canada based on a broad review of the literature. The aim is to recognize the heterogeneous nature of the immigrant population along with ethnocultural similarities and differences between them. As well, this review aims to identify the antecedent factors that influence immigrant and newcomer philanthropic practices and understandings which can be informed from individual experiences in their country of origin (COO). It also examines the factors that support or discourage charitable giving once living in Canada. This review identifies five core themes based upon a review of 112 studies, articles and government documents.

Read the research paper: What are the antecedent factors that influence immigrant and newcomer philanthropic practices and understandings in Canada

Research paper by Dr. Catherine Pearl, Dr. Reza Chowdhury, Dr. Tashfeen Hussain, and Linda Symmes

Presentation: Ethno-cultural perspectives and practices in philanthropy and entrepreneurship engagement


This presentation was made at Congress 2022 at the Association of Nonprofit and Social Economy Annual Conference held on May 14, 2022. The presentation provided an overview of a Literature Review,  funded by Phil Lab that supported research undertaken by Mount Royal University research assistant, Linda Symmes. The literature review provides an overview of an examination of developments in research on immigrant/newcomer philanthropy in Canada.  The review aimed to identify the antecedent factors that influence immigrant and newcomer philanthropic practices, that are often informed from individual experiences in a newcomer’s country of origin (COO). It also examined the factors that support or discourage charitable giving once living in Canada as well as how entrepreneurial engagement and philanthropic engagement may be linked. Five core themes emerged based upon a review of 112 studies, articles and government documents.  This review was conducted from March – June 2022.

Consult the presentation here

Pearl, C.M.L. , Chowdhury, R.,  Hussain, T. , &  Symmes, L. (2022). “Ethno-cultural perspectives and practices in philanthropy and entrepreneurship engagement: A literature review“.  Congress 2022 Presentation at the Association of Nonprofit & Social Economy Research Conference.

Quelle place pour les dons testamentaires dans les petits et moyens organismes de bienfaisnce enregistrés ?

Research papers

Le présent travail de recherche exploratoire a pour objectif de disséminer les barrières auxquelles font face les petits et moyens OBE vis-à-vis des dons planifiés. Par l’entremise d’une recension de littérature et d’entrevues auprès de professionnels aguerris en dons planifiés, de bénévoles et de donateurs testamentaires, nous analyserons la place des dons planifiés dans les petits et moyens organismes de bienfaisance enregistrés.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Quelle place pour les dons testamentaires dans les petits et moyens organismes de bienfaisnce enregistrés ?

Aussi disponible sur Academia

Cahier de recherche par Solène Oustry, présenté à Diane Alalouf-Hall

Walking the Talk on SDGs: The Case of Community Foundations in Canada

Academic papers

SDGs Community FoundationsWalking the Talk on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The Case of Community Foundations in Canada

Community foundations have been put forward as uniquely positioned to champion the 2030 Agenda. In this research, Martha Rey-Garcia in co-authorship with Rosane Dal Magro we explore SDG adoption by Canadian community foundations as a process ingrained in grassroots innovations, and scaled bottom-up through collective action by Community Foundations of Canada around data measurement and intra- and cross-sector partnerships.

The United Nations 2030 Agenda creates an opportunity for philanthropic foundations to become more collaborative and transformative in their work toward global goals. Thus, since 2016, the extent to which foundations adopt the Sustainable Development Goals framework in their functioning has become a topic of interest. Although survey- and case-based research shows increased rates of self-reported adoption and several tools are available to help foundations to act toward the goals, there is a lack of systematic evidence about the purposes of and processes for adopting the goals among foundations.

This void is particularly relevant for community foundations, as they have been proposed as natural champions for the 2030 Agenda. This article provides global and national context to the process of adoption of the goals by Canadian community foundations through a multiple case study, tracing it back to its origins and disentangling its antecedents, enablers, and effects during the early implementation phase. Special attention is paid to the roles played by collective action by Community Foundations of Canada, by grassroots actors, and by innovative practices in that process of adoption.

This article was written in the context of the PhiLab-funded research project “Case studies on private foundations contributing to sustainable development goals (SDGs) in Canada in innovative ways

Recommended citation: Rey-Garcia, M., & Dal Magro, R. (2021). Walking the Talk on Sustainable Development Goals: The Case of Community Foundations in Canada. The Foundation Review, 13(4).

Research Paper: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion from the Ground Up: Experiences of Social Justice Organizations as Grantees within the Philanthropic Sector

Research papers

DEI granteesDiversity, Equity, and Inclusion from the Ground Up: Experiences of Social Justice Organizations as Grantees within the Philanthropic Sector

By Adam Saifer, April 2022.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion [DEI] initiatives have become increasingly prominent within Canadian philanthropy. Moreover, the growth of these initiatives has accelerated in the COVID-19 context, as well as in response to recent calls from civil society for social and racial justice in Canada. Many foundations have directed their attention to principles of DEI within the sector, and how the implementation of DEI principles in the sector can contribute to a fairer and more equitable Canada.

However, research in this area has largely focused on the policies and practices of philanthropic foundations as articulated by staff and directors. As a result, little is known about how social justice organizations who receive grants from foundations experience the implementation of DEI principles at the funder level.

In March 2020, Dr. Adam Saifer launched a research project that sought to address this knowledge gap, drawing on in-depth interviews with leaders of social justice organizations in Toronto and Montreal. The project was supervised by Dr. Jean-Marc Fontan (PhiLab-UQAM) and was conducted in partnership with Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) and the Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon (FLAC).

The current report documents and explores in detail the key themes and issues that emerged from these in-depth conversations with leaders of social justice organizations. These themes extend through a range of domains including language, ethics, power, strategy, measurement, and networks. While, at times, critical of current practices and policies within the sector, the goal of this report—and the larger research project in general—is to help foundations advance in their DEI journey. Such reflection and action is increasingly urgent against the backdrop of social, economic, and ecological crises and injustices. Following this, the report concludes with a series of recommendations for Canadian grantmaking foundations.

Conference Report : Philanthropy in Africa


PhiLab’s International Research Unit in Africa organized a conference on Philanthropy in Africa from March 22nd to 24th, 2022 with the objective of discussing the conditions for the development of national and regional philanthropic ecosystems, with a particular focus on Francophone Africa. The organization of the conference benefited from the support of Philanthropic Foundations Canada and WINGS for participant mobilization.

The conference brought together some 60 practitioners and academics from various countries in Africa, Europe and Canada. These participants work for philanthropic organizations or have an interest in the philanthropic sector in Africa. The participants’ affiliations (home organization) are attached to this report.

Download the PDF version here

How Foundations Spend: Is the Current 3.5% Asset Disbursement the Right Public Policy?

Academic papers

How Foundations Spend: Is the Current 3.5% Asset Disbursement the Right Public Policy?

Khovrenkov, I. & Rasmussen, K. (2014) How Foundations Spend: Is the Current 3.5% Asset Disbursement the Right Public Policy? In  G.B. Doern & C. Stoney (Eds.), How Ottawa Spends, 2014-2015, (p.39). McGill-Queens University Press.–2014-2015-products-9780773544444.php 

Histoire du Regroupement sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RRSE)

Research papers

Longtin, David., et Pisani, Stéphane. Histoire du Regroupement sur la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RRSE), 2021. PhiLab : Montréal.

Also available here on Académia as a downloadable PDF

Annexe 1 : – Portrait général de la responsabilité sociale des entreprises (RSE)

Annexe 2 : Portrait général du concept d’investissement socialement responsable (ISR) 

PhiLanthropic Year – Volume 3

PhiLanthropic Year Journal

The PhiLanthropic Year Volume 3The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).

Published annually, each issue is taken in charge by a different editorial team that is connected to PhiLab. The team, from a management point of view, is responsible for the design as well as the creation and management of a call for contributions.

Rather than simply reiterate the usual (but important) critiques of the settler philanthropic sector, the articles present viable and lived alternatives. These practices and processes are becoming part of an emerging, yet fundamental, shift in how philanthropy is done. Ultimately, we hope that by sharing these productive ideas and examples, the practices will spread and influence new philanthropic organizing as well as transformations within existing philanthropic institutions.

Find the flip-through version here

Find the full PDF version here

Below is the list of individual articles found in the journal:

Main artist of the edition: Kai Yun Ching Find more of their work here

COVID-19 and Beyond: How to Better Support Equity-Focused Grantees

Research papers

COVID-19 and Beyond-How to Better Support Equity-Focused GranteesDiversity, equity, and inclusion [or DEI] initiatives have become increasingly prominent within Canadian philanthropy over the past five years. Moreover, the growth of these initiatives has
accelerated in the COVID-19 context, as well as in response to recent calls from civil society for social and racial justice in Canada.

Many philanthropic foundations have opted to direct their attention to principles of DEI within the sector, and how the implementation of DEI principles in the sector can contribute to a fairer and more equitable Canada. However, research in this area has focused on the policies and practices of philanthropic foundations as articulated by staff and directors, and/or data collected by foundations about their grantees. As a result, little is known about how equity-focused grantees experience the implementation of DEI principles at the foundation level.

In March 2020, Dr. Adam Saifer launched a research project that sought to address this knowledge gap, drawing on in-depth interviews with leaders of equity-focused grantees in Toronto
and Montreal. The project was supervised by Dr. Jean-Marc Fontan (PhiLab-UQAM) and was conducted in partnership with Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC) and the Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon (FLAC). Funding for this research was provided by Mitacs, the two philanthropic partners (PFC and FLAC) and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (via PhiLab).

The current short report focuses on one aspect of this research: the experiences of equity-focused grantees during the initial months of the COVID-19 pandemic. By focusing on this challenging
snapshot in time, this report seeks to help foundations advance in their DEI journey, even in moments of crisis.

This report draws on the five guiding principles that were developed by Philanthropic Foundations Canada, Community Foundations Canada, Environment Funders Canada, and the Circle on
Philanthropy and Aboriginal People in Canada to assist foundations in supporting their grantees during the pandemic. Specifically, the report provides a set of recommendations— guided by a
robust DEI lens and the perspectives of equity-focused grantees—that correspond to each of the five guiding principles. This report provides foundations with insights to better support the work of
equity-focused grantees via novel approaches to policymaking, programming, and advocacy.

To read the following research paper, click here: COVID-19 and Beyond: How to Better Support Equity-Focused Grantees

Also on Academia

Research paper by Adam Saifer.

Trajectoire historique de la Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

Research papers

Trajectoire historique de la Fondation Lucie et André ChagnonFrom 2000 to 2018, the Lucie and André Chagnon Foundation (hereafter, the Foundation) has undergone some major transformations. To cover the Foundation’s history, our research team, consisting of researchers from the Centre de recherche sur les innovations sociales (CRISES) and PhiLab, conducted two studies. The first, launched in 2011 and finishing in 2012, focused on the period spanning from 2000 to 2010. The second, conducted in 2018, covered the period from 2009 to 2018. This report presents the results from both studies.

To read the following research paper, click here: Trajectoire historique de la Fondation Lucie et André Chagnon

Also on Academia

Other elements:

Research paper by Jean-Marc Fontan, Taïeb Hafsi, Juan-Luis Klein, Saouré Kouamé, Sylvain Lefèvre, Benoît Lévesque and Juliette Rochman.

Comment intéresser les dirigeants d’entreprises habitués aux grandes causes visibles, aux petits organismes de proximité?

Research papers

Comment intéresser les dirigeants d’entreprises habitués aux grandes causes visibles, aux petits organismes de proximité?A survey published in 2014 by the firms Léger and Épisode revealed that 93% of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) lacked a donation policy.
The following research paper attempts to understand, through conversations with the directors of small youth-focused community organizations, such as a youth center and a family center, how they manage to develop, or not, a relationship with their community’s SMEs.

To read the following research paper, click here: Comment intéresser les dirigeants d’entreprises habitués aux grandes causes visibles, aux petits organismes de proximité?

Also on Academia

Research paper by Isabelle Dupuis, presented to Diane Alalouf-Hall

The direct translation of the title is: How do you get business leaders who are used to large, visible causes to be interested in small, local organizations?

* This article is in french only.

Impacts de la multiplication des OBE: L’étude du secteur de la sécurité alimentaire en Estrie

Research papers

Food aid sector in Estrie (Study)With over 75 000 registered charities currently active in Canada and Quebec, it is difficult to know if there are enough of them or too many. The same could be
said about the region of Estrie regarding the food aid sector, which includes several organizations that offer services to their population. This research paper
covers the important issue of charity saturation and the possible impacts on the operations and activities of the organizations. Could a wide variety of food
aid organizations bring about negative impacts on human resources and fundraising?

To read the following research paper, click here: Impacts de la multiplication des OBE: L’étude du secteur de la sécurité alimentaire en Estrie

Also on Academia

Research paper by Olivier Désilets, presented to Diane Alalouf-Hall

The direct translation of the title is : Impacts of the Multiplication of Charities: A Study of the Food Aid Sector in Estrie

* This article is in french only.

Pandémie, philanthropie, protection de l’environnement et des animaux: Tout est lié

Research papers

Pandémie, philanthropie, protection de l’environnement et des animaux : Tout est lié | Cahier de Recherche par Sophie Boyer

The goal of this paper was to make the connection between the impact of human activities on the environment, as we can see with the COVID-19 pandemic, and the actions of Quebec-based philanthropic organizations. Although the environment and the protection of animals seem to hold a special place in the hearts of the Quebec population, this passion appears to be limited to public demonstrations of interest, without being reflected in donation behavior. Quebecers seem to be committed for wildlife and environmental protection, but why is this not reflected in the philanthropic data?

To read the following research paper, click here: Pandémie, philanthropie, protection de l’environnement et des animaux : Tout est lié

Also on Academia

Research paper by Sophie Boyer, presented to Diane Alalouf-Hall
The direct translation of the title is : Pandemic, philanthropy, wildlife and environmental protection: Everyting is connected.

* This article is in french only.


COVID-19 et transformations de l’action bénévole au Québec

Research papers

COVID-19 et transformations de l’action bénévole au QuébecLa présente étude explore l’impact de la COVID-19 sur le bénévolat au Québec. Elle le fait à travers une série d’entrevues auprès de représentant·e·s d’organismes qui encadrent des bénévoles ou qui font la promotion de l’action bénévole.

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: COVID-19 et transformations de l’action bénévole au Québec

Aussi disponible sur Academia

Cahier de recherche par Diane Alalouf-Hall et David Grant-Poitras.

La pandémie mondiale: Un changement durable de nos habitudes et comportements?


Changement de nos habitudes et comportements; retour vers le vélo.

Une crise sanitaire, comme celle du Coronavirus, questionne les grandes institutions et ébranle les certitudes. Dans de tels moments critiques, les villes ont la possibilité de se réinventer tant sur le plan du transport, de l’aménagement du territoire que des comportements que des habitudes de pensée. Est-ce le cas pour la crise sanitaire actuelle, laquelle sévit présentement à l’échelle mondiale ?

Depuis le début de l’année 2020, la pandémie provoquée par la COVID-19 a entraîné des restrictions, du confinement et l’arrêt d’activités économiques non essentielles. Les sociétés du Nord et du Sud n’ont eu d’autre choix que de développer des réponses défensives (urgence sanitaire) et offensives (développement de vaccins). Ces réponses ne sont pas sans avoir eu une incidence sur l’aménagement du territoire et les plans d’urbanisme. À titre indicatif, le recours au télétravail a entraîné une diminution du transport automobile, une réduction des modes collectifs de transport et une élévation des modalités de transport actif (marche et vélo). Bien que ce mouvement était déjà en marche, nous avons vu, au cours de la pandémie, une accélération dans l’implantation des infrastructures de transport par vélo à Montréal. […]

Pour lire la suite : La pandémie mondiale du coronavirus (COVID19) entrainera-t-elle un changement durable de nos habitudes et comportements?

La publication originale est disponible sur le site de l’Association québécoise d’urbanisme.

Research Paper #23 – Graham Boeckh Foundation – Phase I: Portrait of the Foundation, from its creation to nowadays

Research papers

Hardan, Tareq. Graham Boeckh Foundation – Phase I: Portrait of the Foundation, from its creation to nowadays, 2020, PhiLab : Montréal.

Download the PDF version on Academia here

This article is part of the special edition of December 2021 : Philanthropy & Mental Health. You can find more information here

philanthropy & mental health

The PhiLanthropic Year – Volume 2

PhiLanthropic Year Journal

The PhiLanthropic Year

The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).

Partnerships have always been at the heart of PhiLab’s work. This edition of the PhiLanthropic Year, in collaboration with The Circle on Philanthropy (The Circle) represents an initial step in building what we hope to be a long and healthy relationship. The Circle recently took on the role of National Indigenous hub at PhiLab, and this journal felt like a great way to capture the intentions, learnings and types of relationships we want to amplify. It has been an opportunity to grow as a Network, to learn how to work differently, to build a platform aimed at diversifying the voices of philanthropy and to amplify the wisdom and solutions of Black, Indigenous, People of Colour leaders in and/or adjacent to the philanthropic sector.

Find the flip-through version here

Find the full PDF version here

Below is the list of individual articles found in the journal:

Ainés et philanthropie: Augmenter la collaboration des fondations subventionnaires dans le secteur des personnes âgées, des pistes de solutions.

Research papers

Les personnes âgées sont des causes invisibles ou tout au moins peu visibles en philanthropie. Trop peu de fondations subventionnaires soutiennent des initiatives auprès de ces communautés. PhiLab Québec, la Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo et Présâges sont heureux de vous présenter la synthèse des ateliers qui ont eu lieu l’automne 2020 avec des organismes et des fondations.

Document synthèse des ateliers – automne 2020

Équipe éditoriale: Jean-Marc Fontan et Diane Alalouf-Hall
Chercheur: Taïeb Hafsi
Partenaires: Fondation Mirella et Lino Saputo, Présâge
Conception graphique: Katherine MacDonald et Audrey Plante-Grenier

COVID-19 Case Studies

Research papers

In an attempt to provide a preliminary overview of responses to COVID-19 within the Canadian philanthropic community, PhiLab has initiated a series of small case studies evaluating recent initiatives in the field. The research was conducted by Isidora G. Sidorovska of the Ontario Hub, Charles Duprez of the Quebec Hub, and Adriana Davis of the Western Hub, with the support of Manuel Litalien, Nipissing University, and Jean-Marc Fontan, UQAM.

PhiLab’s work has produced six case studies so far.

Graphic design by: Audrey Plante-Grenier

Consult the publication including all case studies here

Six PhiLab COVID-19 Case Studies




This article is part of the special edition of November 2021 – Philanthropy’s role in a crisis. You can find more information here

rôle de la philanthropie en temps de crise













La solidarité en crise, Centraide et la nouvelle philanthropie


La solidarité en crise

La solidarité en crise, Centraide et la nouvelle philanthropie

by Taïeb Hafsi and Saouré Kouamé

Available in printed or digital versions here


Il y a des moments dans la vie d’une organisation où de grands questionnements émergent sur son avenir. C’est l’un de ces moments que vit Centraide du Grand Montréal. C’est une organisation qui symbolise la solidarité entre les membres de la communauté et ses campagnes sont l’occasion d’un grand brassage impliquant près de 500 000 personnes. Centraide fait aujourd’hui face à des tensions très fortes. Il y a d’un côté les problèmes durables de faible intensité, peu visibles mais qui sont au cœur de l’action communautaire et qu’on ne peut négliger sans mettre en cause la grande harmonie qui a caractérisé les communautés de Montréal. De l’autre, il y a les tendances des entreprises à considérer la philanthropie comme une dimension cruciale, stratégique, ce qui les mène à privilégier les causes visibles et séduisantes pour le grand public. Ce livre décrit d’abord l’histoire de Centraide et ses grands succès pour mettre en évidence la crise majeure que cette tension dessine pour l’action philanthropique et la solidarité communautaire montréalaise.

Les fondations philanthropiques : de nouveaux acteurs politiques?


Les fondations philanthropiques : de nouveaux acteurs politiques?Les fondations philanthropiques : de nouveaux acteurs politiques?

Ouvrage clé permettant de comprendre le rôle politique des fondations subventionnaires, le présent collectif est la première grande synthèse de l’histoire de la philanthropie canadienne et québécoise.

Retrouvez le livre ici

Fontan, J-M., R. Elson, P. & S. Lefèvre, S. (2017) Les fondations philanthropiques : de nouveaux acteurs politiques?, Collection Innovation Sociale,

Comment augmenter l’intérêt pour une cause taboue voire invisible?

Research papers

Par Jennifer Fils-Aimé, dans le cadre de l’obtention du certificat en gestion philanthropique de l’UdeM.

Supervisé par Diane Alalouf-Hall

L’exploitation sexuelle est bel et bien un problème réel dans la province et concerne un grand nombre de personnes. Mais pourquoi y a-t-il peu d’engagements face à cette cause? Est-ce parce que le sujet de la sexualité est encore trop tabou? Est-ce parce qu’il y a une mauvaise compréhension de cette industrie? Ou est-ce parce que les gens pensent qu’il n’y a pas tant de victimes que l’on prétend? Tant de questionnements qui m’amènent à poser la question suivante : comment les organismes, venant en aide aux femmes victimes de trafic d’exploitation sexuelle, peuvent attirer l’attention des donateurs et du grand public à cette cause invisible mais pourtant bien réelle? 

À Montréal, la Concertation des luttes contre l’exploitation sexuelle (la CLES) est le seul organisme du Québec qui se porte secours exclusivement aux victimes d’exploitation sexuelle. Comme nous le verrons plus tard, elle rencontre des défis pour attirer l’attention du grand public. Un problème social si percutant, si horrible, notre société ne semble pas être profondément atteinte, affectée, ou concernée par ce crime outrageant qui déchire la vie de millions de personnes. Ma recherche a tenté d’identifier les raisons pour lesquelles la société semble détachée de ce phénomène et différentes avenues ont été explorées pour prévenir et sensibiliser le grand public à cette cause. 

La récurrence des enjeux de dotation de ressources bénévoles quelles en sont les causes possibles?

Research papers

Par Elaine Taillon, dans le cadre de l’obtention du certificat en gestion philanthropique de l’UdeM.

Supervisé par Diane Alalouf-Hall


La recherche sur le bénévolat au Québec réalisée par le Laboratoire en loisir et vie communautaire de L’UQTR mentionne que: « le recrutement est ressorti comme étant LE principal besoin, LA priorité des organismes »1. Et pourtant, les statistiques démontrent qu’environ 17 millions de Canadiens 2 avaient contribué en heures bénévoles l’équivalent d’à peu près 1 million d’emplois à temps plein par année, la moyenne individuelle de cette contribution se chiffrant à 128 heures au Québec (Stat Can, 2015). Malgré l’implication citoyenne, les organismes ont encore peine à recruter leurs bénévoles. Ils ont pourtant accès à de multiples études, formations et recommandations d’experts pour les aider à surmonter tous leurs enjeux de recrutement et amorcer les 59% des Canadiens âgés de 15 ans et plus. 4 changements nécessaires pour rehausser leur taux de succès en matière de dotation de ressources bénévoles. Qu’est-ce qui les empêche réellement mettre de l’avant tout leur nouveau savoir et savoir-faire pour répondre à leur principal besoin, leur priorité no 1?


La survie des organismes de bienfaisance en temps de crise : concilier les besoins financiers pressants des OBE et la capacité des grandes corporations à leur allouer des fonds rapidement

Research papers

Travail dirigé de fin d’études de Pascale Jullien dans l’obtention du certificat en gestion philanthropique de l’UdeM. 

Nous faisons donc face, d’un côté, à des organismes de bienfaisance qui ont des besoins urgents d’entrée de fonds dans le but de pouvoir aider la population. De l’autre, à de grandes entreprises subventionnaires qui, alors qu’elles doivent, elles aussi, se réorganiser et adapter leur cadre de travail, sont confrontées à un afflux de demandes de soutien financier auxquelles elles ne pourront pas toutes donner suite. Ainsi, dans un contexte de crise, comment concilier les besoins financiers pressants des OBE et la capacité des grandes corporations à leur allouer des fonds rapidement ?

The PhiLanthropic Year – COVID-19 Special Edition – May 2020

PhiLanthropic Year Journal

The PhiLanthropic Year COVID-19



The PhiLanthropic Year COVID-19 Special Edition

The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).

The COVID-19 pandemic led us to publish the first Special Edition Edition.

Click here for a flip-through version of the whole journal

Click here for the downloadable PDF version


Below, you will find every article included in the journal:

Philanthropic Foundations in Canada – Landscapes, Indigenous perspectives and pathways to change


“This book marks a turning point in the evolution of Canada’s philanthropic landscape – a testament to new and ground-breaking knowledge that reflects a distinct Canadian foundation sector. Explore established and emerging landscapes, Indigenous perspectives on philanthropy and creative and innovative pathways to change.”
E-book and Print versions are available here:


Individual Chapters

  • Introduction, by Peter R. Elson, Sylvain A. Lefèvre and Jean-Marc Fontan

Part 1: Historial and contemporary landscapes of foundations in Canada

Part 2: Indigenous perspectives on philanthropy

Part 3: Pathways to change


Consult the full PDF version here

Book Coverage

La pandémie va-t-elle ( vraiment ) changer nos habitudes ?


“Cet article a été écrit à la suite d’un appel à contributions de la Revue française de gestion dans le contexte de la crise sanitaire engendrée par le virus de le Covid-19”La Conversation

Léo Trespeuch, Professeur en Sc. de Gestion et co-fondateur de l’observatoire de la philanthropie, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR); Aurélie Corne, Maître de conférences en sciences de gestion, Université de Perpignan; Béatrice PARGUEL, Chercheure CNRS, Université Paris Dauphine – PSL; Dominique Kreziak, Maître de conférences en sciences de gestion, Université Savoie Mont Blanc; Fabien Durif, Professeur titulaire, directeur de l’Observatoire de la consommation responsable (OCR) et du Laboratoire FCI GreenUXlab, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM); Florence de Ferran, Assistant researcher, Université de La Rochelle; Hélène Michel, Enseignant-Chercheur – Gamification & Innovation, Grenoble École de Management (GEM); Jean-Luc Giannelloni, Chair professor, Université Grenoble Alpes; Jean-Marc Fontan, Professeur titulaire, Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM);, Maître de conférences à l’UPVD, Université de Perpignan; Mathieu Lajante, Assistant professor in marketing, Université Laval; Mireille Lalancette, Professor, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR); Myriam Ertz, Professeure adjointe en marketing, responsable du LaboNFC, Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (UQAC); Nicolas Peypoch, Professeur des Universités, Université de Perpignan et Robinot Élisabeth, Professeure en marketing, Co-foundatrice de l’Observatoire de la Philanthropie

La version originale de cet article a été publiée sur La Conversation.

Donor Engagement Of Women in Canada: Insights on Fundraising Programs and Practices

The expanding power and resources of women as donors has been a subject of interest to the fundraising profession, especially in the last ten years, giving rise to initiatives such as the Association of Fundraising Professionals Canada’s 2013 forum on Women and Philanthropy in Ontario. Across the country, “women and philanthropy” continues to be a popular topic for panels and webinars (for example, those recently hosted by Canadian Association of Gift Planners, 2017; Carleton University, 2014; and Philanthropic Foundations Canada, 2018).

And yet, what do we know of how women donors are being engaged by Canadian nonprofits and charities?

There has been little documented about donor engagement models and practices that effectively involve women (Mesch & Pactor, 2016). The one exception is a number of studies on giving circles, a specific practice in which several people pool donations and select the recipients together (Eikenberry, 2008, 2009, 2011; Ray, 2013). Giving circles are growing around the world and are predominantly made up of women. For example, there are now 119 chapters of 100 Women Who Care and 47 chapters of 100 Men across Canada (100 Who Care Alliance, 2019), each a volunteer driven giving circle in which donations are collected and directed towards local organizations.

PhiLanthropic Year – Volume 1 – May 2019

PhiLanthropic Year Journal

Link towards the leaf-through version

The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).

La Solidarité En Crise Centraide Et La Nouvelle Philanthropie


Par Taïeb Hafsi et Saouré Kouamé

Présentation à l’UQAM le 4 décembre 2018

Qui sont les bénéficiaires de l’écosystème philanthropique ?


Présentation du 23 octobre 2018 – Shawinigan

Par Sylvain A. Lefèvre

La Filantropía En Argentina, Un Análisis Exploratorio

Research papers

La Serna, C. (2018). La Filantropía En Argentina, Un Análisis Exploratorio. Cahier de recherche #18. Montréal: PhiLab.

Séminaire UQAM n°1: Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?


Lefèvre, S et Berthiaume, A. (2017) Séminaire UQAM n°1: Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?, Présenté dans le cadre des activité du laboratoire, Montréal, QC.

Grantmaking in Canada and the United States: A Comparative Review and Analysis of the Literature

Research papers

Rigillo N. ; Rabinowitz-Bussell M.;  Stauch J.; Lajevardi N. (2018). Grantmaking in Canada and the United States: A Comparative Review and Analysis of the Literature. Working paper#17. Montréal: PhiLab.

Montreal’s Collective Impact Project and the first stages of its partnership and operationalization.

Research papers

Pole, N & Fontan, J.M. (2017). Recherche-action sur le « temps zéro » du Projet Impact Collectif (PIC). Cahier de recherche #15. Montréal: PhiLab

Collaboration among grantmaking foundations:A review of the literature

Research papers

Pole, N. (2016). Collaboration among grantmaking foundations:A review of the literature. Cahier de recherche #14. Montréal: PhiLab

The Landscape of Foundations Collaborating in Canada

Research papers

Glass, J. (2016). The Landscape of Foundations Collaborating in Canada. Cahier de recherche #13. Montréal: PhiLab

Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ? Accompagner le changement social en le finançant

Research papers

Lefèvre, S. & Berthiaume, A. & Leduc, L. (2016). Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ? Accompagner le changement social en le finançant. Cahier de recherche #12. Montréal: PhiLab

The Quebec collective of foundations on social inequalities. An exploratory case study on the collaboration of Quebec foundations.

Research papers

Berthiaume, A. & Lefèvre, S. (2016).The Quebec collective of foundations on social inequalities. An exploratory case study on the collaboration of Quebec foundations. Working Paper #11. Montréal: PhiLab

Public information sharing and transparency among grantmaking foundations: A preliminary discussion in a Canadian context

Research papers

Brouard, F. & Glass, J.. (2015). Public information sharing and transparency among grantmaking foundations: A preliminary discussion in a Canadian context. Working Paper #2. Montréal: PhiLab.

Policy Matters: Grantmaking foundations and public policy engagement. A preliminary discussion on the Canadian landscape of grantmaking foundations and public policy engagement

Research papers

Elson, P. R. & Hall, S. (2015). Policy Matters: Grantmaking foundations and public policy engagement.  A preliminary discussion on the Canadian landscape of grantmaking foundations and public policy engagement. Working Paper #3. Montréal: PhiLab.

International comparisons: Analysis of trends and issues from the International grantmaking sector

Research papers

Lajevardi, N., Rigillo, N., Rabinowitz-Bussell, M., Stauch, J.. (2015). International comparisons: Analysis of trends and issues from the International grantmaking sector. Working Paper #5.  Montréal: PhiLab.

Étude de cas sur le Groupe de travail des bailleurs des fonds pour le développement des jeunes enfants

Research papers

Longtin, D. (2015). Étude de cas sur le Groupe de travail des bailleurs des fonds pour le développement des jeunes enfants. Working Paper #6. Montréal: PhiLab.

Portrait de réseaux de financement des membres du Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network.

Research papers

Longtin, D. (2015). Portrait de réseaux de financement des membres du Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network.Working Paper #7. Montréal: PhiLab.

Vital signs: An exploratory case study of community foundations’ local collaborations in a National program context.

Research papers

Pole, N. & Community Foundations Canada (2015). Vital signs: An exploratory case study of community foundations’ local collaborations in a National program context. Working Paper #8. Montréal: PhiLab.

Philanthropie privée au 19e siècle au Québec

Research papers

Dans leurs travaux sur la philanthropie canadienne, Fontan, Lévesque et Charbonneau (2011) observaient le peu d’études réalisées au Canada sur la philanthropie et le mécénat. En réponse à cette lacune, une démarche de recherche a été réalisée par Fontan et Charbonneau sur l’histoire de la philanthropie aux États-Unis et au Canada.Charbonneau (2012a) a présenté dans un premier rapport de recherche une revue de littérature sur l’histoire de la philanthropie en Europe occidentale et aux États-Unis. Dans un deuxième rapport, il s’est concentré sur la situation canadienne (2012b).Au Canada, l’acte de naissance de la philanthropie moderne se fait dans par l’Income War Tax Act et le War Charities Act de 1917 qui mettent en place des déductions fiscales illimitées aux dons, tels qu’offerts à la Canadian Patriotic Found (CPF) et à la Croix rouge canadienne (CRC). Avec l’incorporation de la première organisation de 1914 à 1937, le Canada s’assurait de l’appui d’un ensemble d’organisations charitables pour l’effort de guerre et mit en place un ensemble de fonds gérés par des organisations privées. La War Charities Act de 1917 allait changer la régulation de la charité pour contrer l’opportunisme de certains entrepreneurs et en 1920 le gouvernement abrogea les déductions fiscales illimitées pour le CPF et la CRC, mais maintiendra tout de même l’exemption d’impôt sur le revenu pour les institutions charitables, religieuses, et pour les chambres de commerce (Charbonneau, 2012b).

Ces organisations devaient, après 1921, archiver annuellement leurs états d’opération, maintenant sous la supervision gouvernementale. Mais avant cette première de cinq périodes de la philanthropie moderne canadienne, la régulation étatique et juridique du don privé, est pour ainsi dire inexistante, laissée dans ce que maints historiens appellent la « négligence bénigne » des provinces qui en avaient pourtant la juridiction (Fecteau, Vaillancourt, 2011; Linteau, Durocher, Robert, 1989).

Pour lire la suite du cahier de recherche: Philanthropie privée au 19e siècle au Québec

Cahier de recherche par David Champagne

Webinaire #1 – La collaboration des fondations philanthropiques: une voie vers plus d’impact?


Glass, J. et Pole, N. (2017). Webinaire #1 – La collaboration des fondations philanthropiques: une voie vers plus d’impact?, présenté dans le cadre des activités du laboratoire, Montréal, QC.

La transition sociale et écologique interpelle fortement la philanthropie, notamment les fondations et les chercheurs


Lévesque, B. (2017). La transition sociale et écologique interpelle fortement la philanthropie, notamment les fondations et les chercheurs, presented at the PhiLab International conference, Montréal, QC.

La philanthropie au Canada au 21e siècle: les nouveaux rôles des fondations face aux grands défis


Draimin, T. (2017). La philanthropie au Canada au 21e siècle: les nouveaux rôles des fondations face aux grands défis, presented at the PhiLab International conference, Montréal, QC.

« L’union fait la force. Oui, mais la force de qui ? ».Retour sur quelques enjeux des collaborations philanthropiques


Lefèvre, S. (2017). « L’union fait la force. Oui, mais la force de qui ? ».Retour sur quelques enjeux des collaborations philanthropiques, presented at the PhiLab International conference, Montréal, QC.

La Table nationale des Corporations de développement communautaire


Chevrier, M.E. (2017). La Table nationale des Corporations de développement communautaire, presented at the PhiLab International conference, Montréal, QC.

La Table des regroupements provinciaux d’organismes communautaires et bénévoles – analyse, concertation, action, vision globale


Roberge, M. (2017). La Table des regroupements provinciaux d’organismes communautaires et bénévoles – analyse, concertation, action, vision globale, presented at the PhiLab International conference, Montréal, QC.

Racisme et discipline: mettre un terme aux politiques de « tolérance zéro » dans les écoles américaines


Issaoui-Mansouri, K. (2017). Racisme et discipline: mettre un terme aux politiques de « tolérance zéro » dans les écoles américaines, presented at the PhiLab International conference, Montréal, QC.

Summary of remarks made on April 21st, 2017: “Role and Function of Responsible Investment and Grant-Making Philanthropy in Social and Ecological Transition


Neamtan, N. (2017) Summary of remarks made on April 21st, 2017: “Role and Function of Responsible Investment and Grant-Making Philanthropy in Social and Ecological Transition.” presented at the PhiLab International conference, Montréal, QC.

Granters and Seekers Embracing the Culture of Philanthropy


Farell, M. (2016). Granters and Seekers Embracing the Culture of Philanthropy, presented at the Foundation Symposium in September at the University of Regina. Regina, SK.

Collaborations in the philanthropic grantmaking sector


Fontan, J.M. (2016). Collaborations in the philanthropic grantmaking sector, presented at the annual conference of Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, ANSER. Calgary, AB.

Room to Flourish: Lessons for Canadian Grantmaking Foundations from Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands


Lajevardi, N. (2016). Room to Flourish: Lessons for Canadian Grantmaking Foundations from Sweden, Germany, and the Netherlands, presented at the annual conference of Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, ANSER. Calgary, AB.

Philanthropic foundations: A new voice in the public debate. The Call of Nine Quebec-Based Foundations Against the Impact of Provincial Austerity Budget on Social Inequalities


Lefèvre, S. & Berthiaume, A. (2016). Philanthropic foundations: A new voice in the public debate. The Call of Nine Quebec-Based Foundations Against the Impact of Provincial Austerity Budget on Social Inequalities, presented at the annual conference of Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, ANSER. Calgary, AB.

Comparing Grantmaking in Canada and the US


Rigillo, N. (2016). Comparing Grantmaking in Canada and the US, presented at the annual conference of Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research, ANSER. Calgary, AB.

Les fondations subventionnaires et leur engagement dans les politiques publiques


Elson, P. (2016) & Hall, S. (2016). Les fondations subventionnaires et leur engagement dans les politiques publiques, presented  at the meeting “Enjeux et défis de la philanthropie” during Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montréal, QC.

Fondations subventionnaires et organismes communautaires:essai de typologie en fonction des montants offerts


Fontan, J.M. & Morin, R. & Laliberté Auger, G. (2016). Fondations subventionnaires et organismes communautaires:essai de typologie en fonction des montants offerts,  presented at the meeting “Enjeux et défis de la philanthropie” during Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montréal, QC.

Restons vigilants”: l’appel collectif des fondations québécoises en contexte d’austérité


Lefèvre, S. & Berthiaume, A. (2016). “Restons vigilants”: l’appel collectif des fondations québécoises en contexte d’austérité, presented  at the meeting”Enjeux et défis de la philanthropie” during Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montréal, QC.

Les fondations et l’écosystème de la philanthropie: adaptation ou transformation?


Lévesque, B. (2016). Les fondations et l’écosystème de la philanthropie: adaptation ou transformation?, presented  at the meeting “Enjeux et défis de la philanthropie” during Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montréal, QC.

Etudes des réseaux de collaboration entre fondations subventionnaires canadiennes


Longtin, D. (2016). Etudes des réseaux de collaboration entre fondations subventionnaires canadiennes, presented  at the meeting “Enjeux et défis de la philanthropie” during Congrès de l’ACFAS. Montréal, QC.

La philanthropie et l’État- mise en perspective historique et débats actuels


Lefèvre, S.(2016). La philanthropie et l’État- mise en perspective historique et débats actuels, présenté au colloque “De la lutte à la gestion de la pauvreté. Quand la philanthropie s’en mêle!” dans le cadre des Grands débats de l’Institut santé et société de l’UQAM.  Montreal, QC.

Grantmaking philnathropy and social innovation


Fontan, J.M. & Elson, P. (2015).  Grantmaking philnathropy and social innovation, presented at a meeting at Massey College.  Toronto, ON.

Réflexions sur la philanthropie québécoise


Fontan, J.M.. (2015). Réflexions sur la philanthropie québécoise, présenté à une conférence à l’Université à Montréal. Montréal, QC

Book Review: Philanthropy in Democratic Societies: History, Institutions, and Values

Academic papers

Glass, J. (2017). Book Review: Philanthropy in Democratic Societies: History, Institutions, and Values. Toronto: The Philanthropist

From Confusion to Co-Creation: Bridging the Community-Academy Divide in International Research Collaboration

Academic papers

Lajevardi N., Martinez-Cosio M.,  Rabinowitz Bussell M. & Stauch J. (2017). From Confusion to Co-Creation:  Bridging the Community-Academy Divide in International Research Collaboration. Toronto: The Philanthropist

Charity and Politics

Academic papers

Stauch, J. (2016). Charity and Politics. Calgary. Blog post dans “Perspectives on Community Prosperity”, 12/01/16.

Book Review: A Valuable New Look at Non- Profit Growth Theory and Practice

Academic papers

Glass, J. (2016). Book Review: A Valuable New Look at Non- Profit Growth Theory and Practice. Toronto: The Philanthropist

Human Rights and Charity — Regulatory Challenges

Academic papers

Parachin, A. (2016). Human Rights and Charity — Regulatory Challenges. Toronto: The Philanthropist.

Sauver le monde par prélèvements automatiques

Academic papers

Lefèvre, S. & Rocheleau, S. (2015). Sauver le monde par prélèvements automatiques. Bédéreportage, Nouveau Projet n°7, Montréal. (Available only with subscription)

Conference Summary: Difference makers? Exploring the societal impact of Canada’s grantmaking foundations

Academic papers

LaboMTL. (2015). Conference Summary: Difference makers? Exploring the societal impact of Canada’s grantmaking foundations. Montréal: LaboMTL.

Newsletter for a Partnership development research program: Social innovation, societal change, and Canadian grantmaking foundations

Academic papers

LaboMTL. (2014). Newsletter for a Partnership development research program: Social innovation, societal change, and Canadian grantmaking foundations. Montréal: LaboMTL.

Charity and Politics


Stauch, James (2016). Charity and Politics. Calgary. Blog post in “Perspectives on Community Prosperity”, 01/12/16

Séminaire UQAM n°1: Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?


Lefèvre, S et Berthiaume, A. (2017) Séminaire UQAM n°1: Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?Béati, un modèle de philanthropie alternatif ?, Présenté dans le cadre des activité du laboratoire, Montréal, QC.