Our special edition on Philanthropy & AI explores the place and role of grant making philanthropy, and wealthy patronage, in the development of cybernetics and artificial intelligence. We explore this universe by looking at both the possibilities as the concerns it evokes.
We cover the ways AI can be used by foundations, as much to improve their grant management, as the applications made to grant making organizations themselves. More specifically, we explore the question of the role of AI in supporting the internal capacity of organizations: how can AI tools be used to support administrative tasks?
This edition also touches on the political dimension, with current challenges being discussed in several articles and podcast episodes. These publications answer different questions around the governance of AI, the methods used to regulate its development, while also touching on the significant issues around its definition and the policies that surround AI.
Finally, we explore the role that philanthropy can play in the development of AI: as much to prevent the misuse of AI as to ensure the maintenance of a democratic culture and the development of critical thought in an age of great complexity amidst both a social and ecological transition.
Enjoy your reading!
- Éditorial, by Jean-Marc Fontan, PhiLab Co-Director
- Cybernétique, intelligence artificielle et philanthropie subventionnaire by Jean-Marc Fontan, PhiLab Co-Director
- Le capitalisme algorithmique à l’assaut de la philanthropie by Jonathan Durand Folco, Professor, Saint Paul University, Ottawa
- IA : trouver le juste équilibre entre l’opportunité et le risque dans le secteur philanthropique by Daniel Lanteigne, Talent, Governance and Philanthropy Strategist at BNP Performance philanthropique
- Harnessing AI for Good: Streamlining Nonprofit Operations by Dave Norris co-founder of Bold Crow AI and CEO of Proofpact
- Will ChatGPT be the change the nonprofit grant application process needs? by David Purkis, Content Specialist at Zeffy
- What is Techaide’s mission and how did it get started? by TechAide
- Artificial intelligence is coming for philanthropy by Rhodri Davies, Founder of Why Philanthropy Matters
- A call to philanthropy: let’s help build societies that are tech-enabled, not tech-led by Alliance magazine
- It’s Time for Philanthropy to Get Involved Driving Equity in AI by CEP
- Politique et financement de l’intelligence artificielle au Canada: investissements publics, intérêts privés, by Centre de recherches interdisciplinaires en études montréalaises
- Initiative: Handbook of Artificial Intelligence and Philanthropy, by ISTR
PhiLab Podcast Case Study: 211&.A.I. with Judy Shum & Dave Montague
Philanthropie en Action with Helen Knight