Yufei (Mandy) Wu


Yufei (Mandy) Wu is a second-year Master’s student in the Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry, under the supervision of Dr. Rachel Kronick. Her research will be integrated within the Welcome Haven project and will examine how asylum-seeking mothers experience their agency and wellbeing during their resettlement process, and how attending a community-based psychosocial support program shapes their self-efficacy, resettlement stress, and wellbeing. She has previously received her BA in Honours Psychology at McGill. As an immigrant herself, she looks forward to working with and learning from refugee claimants, community partners, and other researchers to empower the migrant community in Canada and beyond. She is deeply grateful for the opportunity to join PhiLab, learn from other researchers, and advocate for her research.


Wu, Y. (2021, December 18th). The Implementation of « Welcome Haven » – A community-based psychosocial support program for asylum-seeking families, interview with Dr. Rachel Kronick and project coordinator Rosy Kuftedjian. https://philab.uqam.ca/en/home-blog/the-implementation-of-welcome-haven-a-community-based-psychosocial-support-program-for-asylum-seeking-families/

Wu, Y., Paré, M. & Kronick, R. (Submitted for peer review). Now more than ever: The imperative to implement community-based psychosocial support services for refugee claimants in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Ramburn, T., Wu, Y. & Kronick, R. (In preparation). Community gardening as a psychosocial intervention for refugees and migrants: A narrative review.

Awards & Distinctions

Scientific and Philanthropic Engagement Award for Innovation from PhiLab

Masters Research Scholarships from SHERPA University Institute

Graduate Award Program Intern at the Institute of Health and Social Policy

Masters Research Scholarships from Fonds de recherche du Quebec – Société et culture (FRQSC)

Canadian Graduate Scholarships – Master’s Program from Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC)

Lady Davis Institute Internal Studentship – Master’s Program

Masters Research Scholarships from Centre d’expertise sur le bien-être et l’état de santé physique des réfugiés et des demandeurs d’asile (CERDA)

Excellence Grant – Master’s Program from l’Équipe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur les familles réfugiées et demandeuses d’asile