Charles Duprez


I have completed my Master’s in Social and Environmental Responsibility at UQAM, where my thesis focused on the distribution and redistribution of wealth in a post-growth economy. I am currently pursuing a Joint PhD between UQAM and EHESS, investigating the transformation of social solidarity and social bonds in the context of ecological crises and climate change, with a particular focus on water scarcity. This research aligns closely with my broader interests in how ecological pressures reshape the dynamics of solidarity and challenge existing frameworks for social cohesion.

As an active member of both the CRSDD ( en responsabilité sociale et développement durable) research group under the supervision of Corinne Gendron and the CMH (Centre Maurice Halbwachs), I am also engaged in exploring contemporary controversies and the social acceptability of large-scale technological, organizational, and social projects. My academic background includes a Master’s in Management with a specialization in Marketing from IESEG in France, and my ongoing work aims to contribute to our understanding of post-growth society and the evolution of social structures in response to environmental and economic limits.