Faced with the urgency of climate change and social inequalities, what is the role of grantmaking foundations? The majority of foundations directed by settlers in Canada do not seem preoccupied by the reorientation of their practices and philanthropic investments to support a just transition – in other words, towards a future that is good for people, the planet and place. The Environment Funders Network and other actors of the philanthropic sector ask themselves how foundations can contribute to more rapid and more significant changes in terms of culture and practices. This partnership-forming project will mobilize both existing partners and others to discuss and define a research program around this subject. The activities will include video conferences and a gathering of local and international foundations with EDGE Funders Alliance in Montreal in November 2019. In addition, the project will include an initial gray and academic literature review on the main frameworks of transition, including “just transition”, which could be used to analyze the role of foundations in such a societal transformation. The project will also start collecting information on participation and education activities of Canadian settler-led philanthropy in support of culture and practice change.
Finally, the project will call upon partners to elaborate a research plan to be presented to PhiLab for funding and support. This first phase is a first step in what will become a multi-phase and multi-actor initiative, as many actors are already active or will have to be mobilized to support a more in-depth change among foundations.
Objectifs de la recherche:
- Get Canadian philanthropic networks and foundations to participate in the elaboration of a research program on the role of foundations in a socio-environmental and economic just transition.
- Produce an analysis that identifies the main frameworks of socio-environmental and economic transition, including “just transition”, that could be used in future research activities and foundation interventions.
- Collect initial information on approaches and activities already in place and tested to influence the culture and state of mind of settler-led philanthropic organizations towards a just transition.
- Elaborate a research plan and project proposal to present to PhiLab.
Research Papers and literature reviews
Affiliated Hub(s)
Research Axis
- Axis 5: Philanthropy and Environmental Justice
Project supervisor
- Jean-Marc Fontan
Team member(s)
- René Audet
UQAM - Juniper Glass
UQAM - Edouard Morena
University of London Institute in Paris
Student researcher(s)
- Jacqueline Colting-Stol
McGill University
- Environment Funders Canada
- Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC)
- EDGE Funders Alliance
- McConnell Foundation
- Community Foundations Canada
- The Circle
Beginning date
End date /projected end date
- 01/02/2020