The PhiLanthropic Year is a journal that specializes in the transmission of scientific and professional knowledge within the philanthropic sector, and more specifically, grantmaking philanthropy. The journal meets the need of rendering available, in French and English, knowledge mainly produced by or highlighted by the scientific activities that take place within the Canadian Philanthropy Partnership Research Network (PhiLab).
Published annually, each issue is taken in charge by a different editorial team that is connected to PhiLab. The team, from a management point of view, is responsible for the design as well as the creation and management of a call for contributions.
Rather than simply reiterate the usual (but important) critiques of the settler philanthropic sector, the articles present viable and lived alternatives. These practices and processes are becoming part of an emerging, yet fundamental, shift in how philanthropy is done. Ultimately, we hope that by sharing these productive ideas and examples, the practices will spread and influence new philanthropic organizing as well as transformations within existing philanthropic institutions.
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Below is the list of individual articles found in the journal:
- Éditorial | Editorial , by Juniper Glass and Adam Saifer
- Entrevue | Interview
- Interview with Dr. Ingrid Waldron of the ENRICH project and Naolo Charles of the BE Initiative, by Isidora G. Sidorovska
- Dossier spécial | Special Feature
- Série complète d’études de cas internationales
- Place-based and community-led: Australian case studies show how local, national and international philanthropy can connect to needs on the ground, by Alexandra Williamson & Gerlinde Scholz
- Faire de la philanthropie autrement en Afrique, by Lynda Rey & Saouré Kouamé
- The Hildegard Lagrenne Foundation – Philanthropy as empowerment by the Sinti and Roma in Germany, by Michael Alberg-Seberich
- Articuler mécénat financier et mécénat de compétences: Une association pour l’insertion professionnelle inscrite dans le développement durable, by Amélie Artis
- Shifting Power Through Participatory Grantmaking: Liberty Hill Foundation’s Commmunity Funding Board, by Josh Newton
- Philanthropy from a Colombian soccer field: The case of the Julián Vásquez Soccer Academy, by Darío Castillo Sandoval
- Le réseau national de bibliothèques communautaires au Brésil : La lecture comme un droit humain, by Lidia Eugenia Cavalcante
- The Case of The Lepe de Chile Foundation, by Catalina Nadales & Mario Radrigán
- Études de cas | Case Studies
- Storytelling and reflexivity: The hunter’s stories that inspired an axiological angst, by Shelley T. Price
- Decisions in communities’ hands: Learning by grantmakers in Canada, by Juniper Glass
- Philanthropy aka Love of Humanity, But Whose Humanity?, by Tanya Hannah Rumble & Nicole McVan
- Textes invités | Guest contributors
- Living in harmony and giving back: Reflections of an Indigenous fundraiser, by Sharon Redsky
- La survie des organismes de bienfaisance en temps de crise : concilier les besoins financiers pressants des OBE et la capacité des grandes corporations à leur allouer des fonds rapidement, by Pascale Lassagne Jullien
- Comptes-rendus de lecture | Book Reviews
Main artist of the edition: Kai Yun Ching – Find more of their work here